Last Updated 08.10.2022
8 min read

Gay Sexting - Having Super Sexy Fun

Alan Schin (he/him/his) is the Chief Editor at Taimi. He wears several hats daily as a writer, editor, blogger, and content contributor. He began his university studies as a Psychology student but found his passion in Advanced Communication Studies. Alan loves having the opportunity to write and help our content team shine. According to Alan, his education helps him to understand the dynamics behind dating and socialization better. When he isn’t busy with Taimi, Alan works on his first novel, a sci-fi thriller, and creates works of art in his ceramics studio.

Texting has become the preferred method of communicating - just ask any millennial or Gen Zer. It's convenient, can happen from anywhere, and saves calling and having to leave voicemails. And senders are able to see if their messages have been seen. Texting is just here to stay, for all sorts of purposes.

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    One of these purposes is sexting - you know, sending erotic messages, a sexy or sexually revealing picture, possibly videos, every once in a while, and just generally doing what you can to get someone turned on - has become a fun way for gay and bisexual men to carry on an Internet-based relationship, especially when they cannot be together at the moment. And let's face it, sexting is just fun. Do women and straight people sext? Of course, they do. But this article is specifically for sexting among gay men.

    So, let's take a look at how you, as a gay or bisexual male keep someone paying attention to you, through your sexting. But let's back up a bit.

    How Did You Originally Meet This Guy?

    Maybe you published some posts on your social media accounts and received "likes" or comments from this guy; perhaps you have been a registered user of an online gay dating app and met this individual and thought he was hot, given a picture or two he posted; and maybe he has complimented a picture or two that you posted.

    You have now become "friends" on your social media accounts or have continued your connections on that dating app. You have now exchanged phone numbers and/or are using the chatting feature on that site. And if using such an app, you can make your chatting (and sexting) totally confidential. And this of course allows those sexy pictures that you are dying to send and receive (partially clothed or even naked).

    Your First Step - Feeling the Guy Out Via Chat

    Obviously, you don't want to make presumptions. Before you start sexting, there need to be some serious gay chat conversations that may certainly be sexual in nature. But what you don't want to do is begin sexting in earnest until you are pretty sure that the recipient wants to receive such messages. Begin moderately and gradually move into more erotic sexting as that receiver responds positively. Look for any sign that you have gone too far, and back off quickly. Your digital date may not be ready for the more graphic talk yet.

    One word of caution here: Sometimes boys, who are not of legal age, will "sneak" onto your social media pages or onto apps. This is a real concern, so be certain that you are sexting with a guy who is of legal age.

    Sexting Strategies/Tips

    So, here you will find some strategies and tips for sexting that will turn hot guys on, get them way beyond the "friends" or "buddies" stage, and hopefully prime them for some great sex - either in person or via video chat via apps.

    Tell Him He is Super Sexy Looking

    Everyone loves an ego boost, and this will certainly do that. It also triggers those "feel-good" hormones in the brain, and he will begin to look at you differently - as someone he might want to hook up with. There are several ways to get this done via text:

    • tell him he looks great in those jeans that accentuate his body in all the right places.

    • tell him he just looks delicious

    • tell him he wears his skin really well

    Let Him Know He Turns You On

    This is kind of a "power" thing from a psychological standpoint. People like to know that they have the power to influence others' thoughts and feelings. When you talk about how they turn you on, then they in turn are turned on too.

    So, what are some things that you can say to this guy to tell him how turned on you are?

    • Tell him his pics have you so bothered that you had to shower and then just stay naked on your couch thinking of him

    • Say that you were so turned on from those photos that you are lying naked in bed ready to jack yourself off. But you'll hold off if he would be willing to come on over or set up a video chat so you can pleasure yourselves at the same time, together

    And Speaking of What You and He Might Be Wearing

    This is always a good subject for sexting. You can be in various stages of dress or undress, and he may be too. You can send pics of yourself as you are in these various stages. And once you are completely undressed, get that dick aroused and send that one final pic to "strut your stuff." You are now beyond the state of just being buddies and into the state of being lovers.

    What to say while you are engaged in undressing?

    • Ask him what he is wearing, and if he is willing to undress and send you pics in all those stages of undressing

    • Tell him you just got out of the shower and are trying to get dressed. But you are thinking of him, and your underwear won't go on over your tool. Send a couple of pics of that tool in all of its glory - front and side view might be a good idea.

    • If you want to be a tease, put on a jockstrap and display your hard-on "under wraps" before revealing it in its glory

    Tell Him What You Want to Do to Him

    An important part of sexting is getting each other really turned on, whether the sex will be virtual or in person. And you may not even need photos for this one. It's time to use visualization as the messages are received, as they are waiting for you to arrive or get on video chat.

    Here are some examples that will give good visualizations.

    • Tell him that when you get there, you are both going to take each other's clothes off very slowly, item by item, kissing one another's bodies as you move from room to room. Each room will be the spot for one or two items. to be peeled off

    • If it's a virtual chat, describe how each of you will take off an item, in turn, and then say what you will want to do to the exposed body part.

    And then turn the tables and tell him what you want him to do to you as soon as you are together. Mention things he did to you last time that really turned you on. Your guy will be flattered to know that he has the power to arouse you with the best sex in the world.

    Ask Some Smutty Questions

    These can be totally erotic and get him to think about what he'd like to do and have you do to him. For example:

    • Send him photos of your dick and ask, "What would you do if this were in front of you right now?"

    • "What's the best head you've ever had?"

    • "Guess what toy I have and am going to use on myself right now?"

    • "Can I lick your ass until you can't stand it anymore?"

    • "Do you want to make a revised version of the movie, "Deep Throat?"

    After All is Said and Done

    Gay sexting can be great fun and can probably lead to some pretty great sex, both in person and via video chat. This list of do's should help you with successful sexting. But there are some cautions to take too. Think about these.

    Delete and Keep Deleting

    If you're sexting by phone, don't keep those messages beyond each conversation. If you want to save them for re-reading later, stick them in a screenshot or dropbox. You have no idea who might get into your phone and view those hot pics.

    Be Careful About Sending Dick Pics

    You do not always know where your squeeze is at any given time. Check to make sure he is in a private place and/or ready to receive them (the same goes if you want him to watch a video). Suppose he is having lunch with a group of relatives and sitting next to his mom - major fail.

    Don't Sext Drunk

    This is especially true if you are in the early stages of gay sexting. You lose your inhibitions and may say far too much too soon at 2 in the morning.

    Don't Put Your Face in the Picture

    There are all sorts of horrible scenarios here. Suppose your squeeze and you have a bad breakup. Where might those hot pics end up? All sorts of places where you don't want them to, even in a social media post or two. Just never put your mug in any pic or video you send.

    Don't Think Taking Too Long to Respond is "Cute or Sexy"

    You're probably not trying to play "hard to get" here, so what's with the notion, "I'll give him some time to get anxious" deal? You're not teenagers playing games here. Be an adult who doesn't tease and text back as soon as you can. No need to make him wait and wonder

    Above all, remember this: gay guys are as much into sexting as anyone else. Make it count; make it fun; and use sensible precautions.

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