

Attraction describes a feeling of interest or desire towards a particular individual. Orientation is an individual’s displayed pattern of attraction towards a set of genders or individuals.Libido or Drive is one’s desire for certain activities such as sex or romance, regardless of target gender. Relationship is a descriptor for how two or more individuals relate, behave, or interact with one another.

Attraction, orientation, drive, and relationships are umbrella terms for various subtypes, the two most common types being sexual and romantic. Types that are not sexual nor romantic are considered tertiary identities or descriptors. Individuals that experience attraction to the same gender(s) both romantically and sexually are considered perioriented, and those that differ are considered varioriented, and may use the Split Attraction Model to describe their various attractions, including tertiary attractions.

Attraction, orientation, drive, and relationships are known to influence one another but are not intrinsically linked. For example, one that is androsexual, who is attracted to men, will typically engage in sexual relationships with men. Cupio- is often used by individuals that pursue relations without attraction, whereas orchid- is often used by individuals that experience attraction but do not wish to pursue a relationship.

Individuals that do not experience any form of attraction may identify as anattractional.

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