Gender and Sex

Gender refers to how one relates to the gender categories within one’s society and culture. One’s gender is built from many different aspects, including gender identity, gender presentation (also referred to as gender expression), gender quality, gender alignment, and gender modality.

All societies have a set of gender categories, each with their own cultural norms and expectations, which are typically based on a division of labor. In most Western societies, there is a gender binary, meaning two recognized genders (male/men and female/women), and those who exist outside these categories fall under the umbrella terms non-binary or genderqueer. Some societies have gender categories other than men and women, such as the hijras of South Asia. These are often referred to as third genders (and fourth genders, etc.).

Abinary Genders Demigender Identities

Gender is a spectrum, meaning that people don't necessarily fall neatly into a single category. The demigender identities reflect this. Demigender is an umbrella term that refers to nonbinary gender identities that have a partial connection to the concept of another gender.


Here are some terms that will help anyone interested understand demigender identities better.


An umbrella term that refers to a person who identifies partially with a specific gender identity marker.

Assigned Gender

The gender a person is given or presumed to have at birth based on their primary sex traits. Sometimes called sex assigned at birth.

Gender Expression

The way a person expresses their gender identity through clothing, speech, hairstyle, mannerisms, etc.

Demiboy or Demigirl

May also be referred to using the terms demigal or demiguy. These are identities under the label demigender. They refer to people who partially identify as boy/man or woman/girl.

Gender Identity

A person's deeply felt understanding of their own gender. This may or may not align with their sex ssigned at birth.

Trans Feminine

A person who was assigned male at birth but identifies as primarily feminine. They may be nonbinary, transgender, or another identity.

Trans Masculine

Similar to trans feminine, only assigned female at birth but identifies as more masculine.


Nonbinary gender identities include those who do not identify with the male or female binary categories.

Gender Fluid

A gender identity that changes over time or intermittently.


A term that may refer to gender identities not within the binary. Some people self-identify as genderqueer as a way to make a personal or political statement rejecting traditional views on gender.


Agender people don't identify with any gender.


A person who identifies with two distinct gender identities.

Gender Dysphoria

Distress associated with a disparity between a person's gender identity and their assigned gender.


A person whose gender identity aligns with their assigned gender and biological sex.

Gender Spectrum

The concept that there aren't just two genders, but that gender identity exists on a spectrum with many people not falling at one end of the spectrum or another.
Feminine Genders

As each person negotiates their understanding of their gender identity, they might dig into their thoughts on masculinity and femininity. If being feminine resonates with them, they might identify with one of the feminine genders. But, what does this mean exactly?


Here are some some important words and phrases to know in order to understand what a feminine or female gender is.

Feminine Genders

This is a category of gender identities that are associated with femininity.

Gender Identity

This is a person's deeply felt sense of their own gender. A person's gender identity may be man, woman, non-binary, or something else.

Gender Expression

When a person identifies with a particular gender, they may choose to express that through their clothing, hairstyle, voice, interests, and movement. This is gender expression. Because each person has their own perception of what it means to be a particular gender identity, the way they express that will also vary.

Gender Binary

This is the outdated concept that there are only female and masculine gender, and that these are based on a person's sex.

Sexual Orientation

Describes a person's primary romantic or sexual attraction. For example
gay, lesbian, bisexual, or asexual.

Biological Sex

Biological sex is a scientific classification based on a person's primary and secondary sex traits. This includes anatomy and chromosomes. Fluid Genders As our understanding of gender identity has evolved, we know that it isn't a binary. Most experts now agree that gender is a spectrum of identities. While many people form a gender identity that aligns with one gender, others do not. If a person's gender identity is not fixed, they may identify as gender fluid. This article explores what gender fluid means, and how that impacts individuals and society.


Here are some words and phrases to help understand gender fluidity.


Gender is a social construct that both influences and is defined by a person's relationships, power in society, roles & norms, and identity. It's also influenced by a person's internal feelings of masculinity or femininity. For many people, gender is closely tied to their biological sex assignment of male or female.

Gender Identity

Gender identity is a person's internal sense of their own gender. They may identify as man, woman, non-binary, or something else.

Gender Binary

A now outdated concept that all people are either man or woman based on their biological sex.

Gender Fluidity

Gender fluidity is the concept that some people don't experienced a fixed gender identity. Instead, their gender evolves over time, or may fluctuate from one part of the spectrum of gender to another. Some refer to it as the ability to transcend gender. Some gender fluid people see themselves as non-binary while others prefer the term multi-gender. Others see themselves as transgender.

Gender Expression

Gender expression is the way in which a person represents their gender identity externally - through clothing, hairstyles, mannerisms, makeup, and other elements. A person who is gender fluid may use different gender expressions to show their gender identity, but not always. How a person identifies is internal, and they may not change their outward gender expression at all. This is also called gender presentation.

Gender Neutral

Gender neutral usually refers to items or concepts that are not associated with a certain gender. For example, gender neutral clothing is designed for anybody to wear regardless of gender identity. On the other hand, if clothing in certain colors are placed in men's or women's categories, for example pink represents femininity and blue represents masculinity, those items would be gendered.

Gender Diverse

This is a category of people who have a gender identity that does not align with binary categories male or female. Someone may call themselves gender diverse if they have a genderfluid identity or are non-binary.

Gender Affirming Care

This is medical or mental health care that a person receives to affirm their gender identity.

Sex Assigned at Birth

This is the biological sex a person is assigned based on their anatomy at birth. A person's initial gender is assigned based on this classification.

Gender Spectrum

The concept that gender identity exists on a spectrum rather than a binary male and female categorization.


An umbrella term for gender identities that don't align strictly with either man or woman.
Identity Masculine Genders Miscellaneous gender Multigender Multigender, is a term that describes people who identify as multiple genders either at one time or over time. There are many different genders as well as other identities that can be considered when describing multigender people. Omnine Genders Questioning Uingender
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