Demigender Identities

Demigender Identities

History And Further Exploration of Demigender Identities

In the 2010s, a broader discussion about gender began online. During this time, users on platforms like Tumblr and Reddit began sharing their stories and perspectives on the topic of gender. Terms like demigender emerged as people realized there were nuances to non-binary gender identities. Additionally, terms like demigender have become part of scholarly discussions on gender as a social construct.

Exploring Demigender Identities

These identities are part of a broader non-binary umbrella and represent people who feel some connection to a certain gender. A demigender person partially identifies with a gender, but doesn’t fully align with it. This partial identification may be with the feminine, masculine, or other elements of gender. This leads to an identity of gender that is neither binary nor non-binary.

For example, the terms demigal or demigirl describe a person who partially identifies as a girl or woman. A demiboy partially identifies with being a man or boy. Some may feel a connection to two or more genders, or with other partial genders. This can lead to real physical discomfort when those identities don’t align with society’s expectations.

Demigender people are like other non-binary individuals in that they may feel different levels of connections to the concept of gender, often identifying with one particular gender more or less than others. This shows that the absolute self-identification with a specific gender is not required for a person to understand one’s gender experience.

It doesn’t matter if someone feels strongly connected or only a partial connection. Whether a person identifies as demigender solely depends on their feeling connected to more than one gender. It may even be the barest association.

Flags And Symbols

Here are some flags that represent people who identify as demigender, non-binary, transgender, or other gender markers.

Demigender Flag

Demigender Flag

The demigender has seven stripes. The two outer stripes are dark gray and those are followed by lighter gray stripes. These represent absence of gender. The yellow is for nonbinary gender identities, and the white stripe stands for partial connection to a gender. It may also be labeled a deminonbinary flag.

Non-Binary Flag


Nonbinary Pride flag.

Am I Demigender?

If you feel an ambivalent or partial connection to a certain gender, or you don’t fully identify with what you were assigned at birth (e.g. assigned female or assigned male), you might be demigender. Demigender individuals have a partial connection to one gender, two or more genders, of other partial genders. You might feel fully or partially fluid, or as if you go back and forth between genders.

Consider how you feel about what you see as the feminine or masculine element of gender and how those resonate with you. Demigender people, demiboys, and demigirls often feel a connection to these things, but not feel wholly binary identified. Ultimately, this solely depends on what term you believe is the best fit for you.

How to Support Someone Who is Demigender?

The most important aspect of supporting a demigender person is respecting that they feel only a limited connection to a certain gender. Avoid attempts to pressure them to pick or feel connection to to a single identity. Their absolute self identification should be enough, even if you don’t understand why a person does not feel wholly binary identified. You can also encourage their exploration and celebrate them as appropriate – example: acknowledging Demigirl Pride Day or Demiboy Pride Day in a small way. Finally, simply learning more about identity is a way to understand, support, and feel connection to non binary people

Paragender Identities Paragender is a non binary gender alignment where a person feels mostly connected with a specific gender identity, but not entirely that gender. How that majority gender outweighs the minority gender varies. Someone who is paragender might feel alignment with just two or many genders.


Here are some terms to help increase understanding of paragender identities.

Paragender Identities

Paragender identities are a subset of non-binary identities that include people who are mostly but not fully aligned with a single gender. For example, a para boy mostly feels male or masculine. A para girl mostly feels female or feminine.


Describes an identity where someone does not align with the traditional male or female. May also be used as a personal or political statement indicated rebellion against gender norms.


an umbrella term for gender identities out side of the male/female binary.


Somebody who does not resonate with a specific gender or with any gender at all.

Gender Fluid

Describes somebody whose gender changes or shifts over time between different genders.


An identity with a partial connection to a specific gender without fully identifying as that gender. This includes demiboy or demi girl.

Gender Spectrum

Defines gender as a construct beyond male or female binaries that includes a range of identities.


An individual who identifies as two genders at once or at different times.


Someone who has a different gender identity than what they were assigned at birth.


Somebody who identifies with the gender and sex they were assigned at birth.


Another non-binary identity that means to be neutral or null in gender.

Gender Dysphoria

Feelings of distress that are felt by people who do not align with the sex they were assigned at birth.
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