Not All Unicorns and Rainbows

Updated on December 19, 2024 | 4 min read
Not All Unicorns and Rainbows

Bisexuality is a unique and diverse spectrum of identities that deserves to be acknowledged and respected. This year, Taimi is spotlighting critical subtopics affecting bisexual individuals: Biphobia and Bi-Erasure. We believe that by addressing these issues, we can promote understanding, acceptance, and inclusivity within our diverse community.

One of the pressing issues faced by bisexual individuals, particularly women, is the fetishization of their identities. The theme of “Unicorns and Rainbows” highlights this concern and calls for a change in the narrative. Far too often, bisexual women are over-sexualized by heterosexual men and couples, “unicorn haunting” is a problem many bisexual women have faced.

Taimi’s commitment to combatting the fetishization of bisexual women comes not just from rhetoric but also from data. In a survey conducted with our users (around 3000 bisexual women), we have confirmed that bisexual individuals face these challenges within the dating realm. Even though couples have approached around 73% of bisexual women to be a third partner in a relationship/participate in a threesome, only about a half know about the term unicorn hunting and the dangers of closed triad relationships.

“The first time, you are happy about the joining, but you feel used after,” – shared her experience one of our users.

Taimi seeks to address this issue head-on and build a platform that rejects harmful stereotypes and prejudices. That is why we created a guide for safe threesomes and how to navigate the dating scene without becoming a unicorn.

Similarly, bisexual men face challenges with both heterosexual women and gay men. Often, their identity is invisible since they are perceived as “straight” or “gay,” depending on where they are on their bi-cycle.

According to a survey conducted among bisexual men (around 3000 Taimi users), almost 90% of respondents stated that bisexual men face significant challenges or difficulties in dating and relationships with heterosexual women.

The following quote from one of our users sums up the most common reason why: “Telling a woman that you’re both ways is scary.”

Others shared that in their experience, most women are very against dating bi men.

Dating a gay person as a bisexual man is a bit less complicated, according to the survey. Around 50% believe that dating gay men is challenging for bisexual men. However, the same reasons apply, and bisexual men often feel they are not seen as “serious” in those relationships.

There is also a difference between how bisexual men and bisexual women feel like they are perceived by society in general and by the LGBTQ+ community in particular. While bisexual women feel like they are over-sexualized, yet somewhat accepted by the community, bisexual men do not feel like they are accepted by any community.

If more mainstream media men were open about bisexuality, a lot more people would be open about being bisexual,” – a user stated. Bisexual men feel so invisible, the most popular answer to the question “Who do you consider to be bisexual icons, either fictional or celebrities?” was “I don’t know any.”

That’s why we encourage you to take a closer look at sexuality, explore it and be vocal about it because bisexuality is real, but definitely hidden not only in society but within the community itself.

Bisexual visibility is about celebrating the fluidity and personal journeys that each individual embarks on,said Yana Andyol, Head of Brand & Communications at Taimi. “We firmly believe that these personal journeys should not be challenged but embraced and supported. Taimi is proud to stand alongside our bisexual community members and provide a platform that champions their identities.”


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