Last Updated 10.02.2022
13 min read

Gay Solo Travel - Put Your Adventure On

Alan Schin (he/him/his) is the Chief Editor at Taimi. He wears several hats daily as a writer, editor, blogger, and content contributor. He began his university studies as a Psychology student but found his passion in Advanced Communication Studies. Alan loves having the opportunity to write and help our content team shine. According to Alan, his education helps him to understand the dynamics behind dating and socialization better. When he isn’t busy with Taimi, Alan works on his first novel, a sci-fi thriller, and creates works of art in his ceramics studio.

The term is everywhere - "take care of yourself first." Good advice. So, when is the last time you put yourself first and thought about what you'd like to do and experience? Maybe you have been meeting other people's needs for too long. Or a relationship has just crapped out. Maybe work or school has just been a stress-fest. Whatever the reason, you are in a funk, sitting at home when you have spare time and feeling used an abused.

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    This is the time to just "do you," and that can happen with a gay solo travel adventure! Think about it. You can go off on your own, renew your perspective, meet other gay singles, see new places, and come home refreshed.

    So here is your full guide - benefits you can expect from gay solo travel, best destinations, and tips and tricks for success. Sit back, read on, and think of all the possibilities! Then go forth and have your first gay travel adventure.

    Many Benefits of Gay Solo Travel

    As a gay man, you have probably been used to traveling with someone else - a partner or a group. And maybe now you are between partners or just need some time to yourself to spread your wings. Here are some benefits of gay solo travel that you should think about.

    You Get to Make All of the Decisions

    When you travel with others, you have to compromise - sometimes a lot. How much time will you spend in a place? what will the daily itinerary be? Where will you eat? And if you have rather rigid travel mates, you lose a lot of spontaneity. And here's the thing: if you work, you only have so much vacation time and only so much money. If that time is spent not doing what you really want to do, then it's unfulfilling. Maybe you're a bit of a history buff, and your travel partner isn't. If you choose your own gay solo vacation, you can fly off to Berlin (the gay capital of Europe) for LGBTQ tours of the memorials to the Holocaust, visit the Schwules Museum for a complete history of the world LGBTQ culture, and the Queer Berlin Walking Tour through the main gay neighborhood of Schoeneberg.

    And if ancient history is your thing, book a gay solo tour to Rome - all sorts of package deals for gay singles through the Roman Gay Project. Who knows? You may find a fellow history addict who also shares your preferences between the sheets.

    You Become More Self-Aware, and You Grow

    Whether your ideal gay travel is mountain climbing, river-rafting, museums, a cruise, urban sightseeing and fun, a summer beach, or something else, going it alone gives you time to explore your own self further. Are you the person you really want to be? What life goals should you consider changing? Are you fulfilled by your current work and relationship(s)? Are you satisfied with the person you have become? While vacations are for relaxation and fun, of course, solo travel means you have your own time to "grow." When you travel with others, you don't have that downtime to focus on yourself, and that is part of the point of solo travel. Your trip should give you time to develop these insights, no matter what city or country you may travel to.

    You Meet New People

    When you travel with a partner or group, your opportunities to connect with others can be limited. You are with others, and you move about with them. You are in a bit of a bubble. As a gay solo traveler, you can reach out to other solo gay travelers who share your sexual orientation in a new environment. These experiences broaden your horizons and perspectives on humanity as a whole. Plus, you may make long-lasting friendships by sharing adventures.

    You May Find Romance (or At Least an Amazing Hookup)

    Have you recently ended your current squeeze or a long-term relationship that went south? It's easy to get into a major funk when this happens, lying around the house in a depression, nurturing your self-pity. This gets you nowhere. It's time to get out, travel somewhere (anywhere -to a nearby state or to a city halfway around the world), and see what other LGBTQ communities have to offer. Who knows what you may encounter? You could hit Helsinki and its famous club, "Don't Tell Mama," the gay-only sauna Vogue or Bar Fairy Tale for cozier and more intimate environments to meet other gay men.

    Whether you are looking for a temporary hookup or you find a romance that may be far longer-lasting, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain from your trip. Even if you don't find just what you are looking for in a romantic/sexual experience, the gay travel alone will help to get your mind off of your break-up, and you'll return home ready to get out there again.

    You're Going to Gain Self-Confidence

    If you have never traveled alone before, especially to a foreign destnation in Europe or even a strange new city, you may have some concerns about planning, organizing, and actually making the trip happen without some hiccups (or even disasters) along the way. Plus, you may be going to a place where the culture and the language may be totally foreign. Add to this the fact that you are doing this all by yourself, and it can all be a bit scary. But if you pull it off, you have become a solo gay traveler with the confidence to do much more in the future. Anything that builds confidence is always a good thing. If you are naturally an outgoing person at home, you can jet off to Amsterdam - a wide-open gay and lesbian-friendly city where almost anything goes. A huge supply of bars, clubs, eateries, hotels, gay cruises, and more. You won't need a travel partner - you can have a different companion every night. And going during the summer means near-perfect weather.

    You May Improve Your Appearance

    This is a possible side benefit. Are you going white water rafting? Are you going to trek across rugged terrain? Will you be climbing, downhill, or cross-terrain skiing? You might check out Gay Ski Week in Aspen every January - all sorts of snow events, lunches, receptions, dinners, dance parties, and indoor pool parties. And yes, a snow suntan is a real thing.

    Or will you be at a beach, with some swimming and surfing in a gay-friendly summer destination? All of these activities will serve to tighten you up a bit and to give you that tanned, rugged look that others will find attractive when you return home. Add a new more "rugged" hairstyle, and you will be "hot." In fact, get that hairstyle before you go and visit a clothing-optional gay beach in Barcelona and Ibiza. What a way to check out bodies and show off your own. It might even be an incentive to buff yourself up a bit.

    No matter what your travel plans are - a city in the U.S., Mexico, or Canada, or some faraway destination, you will be a "stranger in a strange land." Don't be waiting on friendly locals to rush in to help you. Take a look at some good advice that comes from those who have gone before you.

    Gay travel is so much easier today than it used to be. You can search through all sorts of destinations - cities, countries, and cruise lines that provide specific accommodations and activities for LGBTQ community members. But if this is your very first solo destination, then you will want to take advantage of the travel advice and tips that come from other travelers who have gone before you.

    Tips and Tricks for the Best Gay Trip Ever

    Travel for gay singles is so much easier today than it used to be. You can search through all sorts of destinations - cities, countries, and cruise lines that provide specific accommodations and activities for gay community members. But if this is your very first solo destination, then you will want to take advantage of the travel advice and tips from other solo gay tourists.

    Remember that you have been used to gay travel with a partner or in a group. Now that you are on your own, there are specific tips for you.

    Think About Package Deals and Cruises

    As a solo gay tourist, you want to be certain that all of your accommodations will be perfect for your travel. If you book through a gay-exclusive agency, you'll have a much better chance of getting exactly the trip and experiences you are looking for, as well as having the highest level of comfort.

    You can also save a ton of money on your cruise cost by agreeing to a room match program. You'll be with a stranger, but only for grooming and sleeping. You'll have your days and nights to connect with other gay singles via a host of activities and events.

    Part of gay package deals may also include group events and tours - a great to meet people. And you will always have the option of not going on all of these if you want some alone time with someone you have met or just need a break to chill in your room. Some alone time can be a great visit with yourself and what insights you are getting from your experiences. Who knows? You may realize that there are some big changes you need to make in your life.

    Use a Travel App

    Once you have your solo travel plans made, use a travel app to learn as much as you can about where you are going and every detail about the adventures you can look forward to. You don't have a travel companion to explore together. You need a pre-planned itinerary, so you are not wasting time figuring out where to go to make new friends, locate gay events, or find a beach that is gay-friendly. You don't want to miss anything. Let's say you have chosen Copenhagen - a destination that is really LGBTQ friendly. But you may not be aware of the LGBTQ singles tours or the "leather and bear" scene at the Scandinavian Leather Men's Club. You may also decide that you want to book your trip in August, to be a part of this city's pride festival - an opportunity to celebrate with other gays.

    Choose a Gay Hotel or Other Accommodation

    If you do this, you know that you will be with other gay travelers throughout your stay. Solo travel is hard enough without feeling uncomfortable at your hotel or resort. When you meet other guys in your hotel, you know they share your sexual life preferences, and you'll feel free to strike up a conversation, mingle with ease, and even connect with someone.

    For those who want to look at a variety of accommodations for their destinations, there is Mr. B&B, a clearinghouse for rooms, apartments, and private homes, as well as hotels in cities all over the world. Using this resource can make gay solo travel much more convenient, especially if you are not going through an agency specifically set up for gay t.

    Don't Forget Big Gay Events

    Coordinate your single gay travel destinations to coincide with large events - these are adventures you'll remember for the rest of your life. And as a gay-solo, these are great events to meet new people. One destination that should be on everyone's bucket list, for example, is San Francisco in June. While all of California is gay-friendly, the entire month in this city is dedicated to gay pride, along with the world-famous Pride Parade. And if you want to stay in-country for your travel, don't miss New Orleans during Easter week, culminating in the Gay Easter Parade on Easter Sunday, complete with an Easter bonnet contest - a huge party! As a side note, the parade is also a fundraiser for HIV/AIDS victims.

    Not to be outdone, there are all sorts of similar events in Europe, if you decide to go across the pond. Hit London during the last week in June for a whole week of pride festivities ending in a huge parade through the streets of London. Or jet off to Brussels in May, not just for great weather and its numerous clubs, but for its Pride Village and Parade. The Pride Village is a huge open-air set up to explore food, music, art, and booths of many LGBTQ+ organizations. And its one of the most popular gay destinations in Europe.

    Use a Local Gay Guide

    Gay tours are perfect for gay travel to any places that are new to you. You won't waste time looking for great local destinations in an unfamiliar city and will make new friends easily, in your comfort zone. And because you have a gay tour guide, you know you will be taken to the right places, whether for a cultural, outdoor, or nightlife adventure. And if you go through a gay-friendly travel agency, these tour guides will be offered.

    Hook Up with Gay Locals in Advance

    There are plenty of "connect" apps for gay connections in destinations all over the world. Find a few in advance and begin an e mail conversation. That local can give you lots of tips as a gay solo traveler and may even be happy to have you hook up with him and his friends once you arrive. As a gay man traveling solo, this can be a huge plus it's like a free digital guide. And he may have other places in mind that you knew nothing about Starting a gay chat with a friendly local plenty in advance can give you lots of insights.

    Safety First

    Many gay solo travel destinations in the world have their share of crime, not just aimed at gay singles but anyone moving about on their own. Gay seniors especially may be the targets of homophobic crimes. And your trip can be safer if you take the right precautions:

    • Don't travel to places in the world you know are anti-gay. This could be some cities in Europe but also regions of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Choose only gay-friendly destinations.

    • Don't move about a city or town all alone. If you have made some friends, stick with them

    • If you arrange to hook up with a local gay that you have only met online, connect in public places, maybe restaurants. Gay dating can be "iffy" in a strange place.

    • At night, only go to gay and lesbian hangouts and clubs and watch your drink, especially if offered at no charge. You never just what a stranger's motives are.

    • Save your sightseeing destinations to non-gay places for the daytime and still go with at least one new friend if possible.

    Success Begets Success

    Once you have had a great gay travel adventure, you will be ready to plan your next adventure as soon as you have the time to do it. You now know that gay travel as an all-by-yourself single can be a great scene, lets you see and do amazing things, and connects you with other gay singles. The other great thing is that you come home with a new sense of self, wiser, and ready to search for your next visit to a new place.

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