Genderfaun – What is It? What Does It Mean?

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Edward Reese
Updated on November 26, 2024 | 6 min read

Genderfaun which sometimes may be written as genderfawn is a form of genderfluidity. Genderfaun encompasses many genders but never feminine-leaning or female genders.

Individuals that identify as genderfawn may be fluid between a variety of masculine genders, unaligned genders, and other genders but never any feminine genders. Some people view genderfawn as a non-feminine subset of genderfluid.

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    According to, the term genderfaun refers to someone with a fluid gender that is never feminine, female, or female aligned. The person may or may not be able to identify their genders further.

    It is a gender fluid identity that may include a wide range of genders but never female-aligned genders.

    It is a form of gender fluidity that does not encompass feminine genders, fiaspec genders, or genders that may be female-aligned.

    People who identify as genderfawn fall under the genderfaunet umbrella.

    There are several variants of the term out there. They include:

    • Genderfaunet: a person who is never a binary woman, but may experience feminine genders.
    • Demifaun: Someone who has genderfaun as a part of their identity, not a whole.
    • Librafaun: Mostly agender person but with a gender that fluctuates between masculine and non-binary gender. Never female-aligned gender.
    • Greyfaun: Greyfaun describes a genderfaun person with grey gender influences.


    Genderfaun as a term was coined by DevianArt user in 2017. The term was meant to be the opposite of genderfae which was coined sometime in 2014.

    In 2019 on a Worldwide Gender Census 11 people described themselves as genderfaun. In 2020, 50 people identified as genderfaun.

    Genderfaun falls under the genderfluid umbrella. Genderfaun or genderfawn as a term resonates with many LGBTQ+ people whose gender is never woman-aligned. It is a term that is most commonly used by non-binary, queer, agender as well as multigender individuals. Genderfluidity can change over time and for many genderfaun people their gender shifts from masculine to non-binary but never feminine.


    There are some genders that are similar to genderfaun or genderfawn and fall under the gender fluidity umbrella. Among them are:


    This is a gender that is quite similar to genderfaun. Faunflux describes someone whose gender fluctuates in intensity and changes but person never feels any female or feminine-aligned genders. Individuals who identify as faunflux may feel unaligned, masculine, male, or genderless. Just like genderfaun, it is a non-feminine subset. Faunflux also falls under the fluidflux umbrella.


    Neurogenderfaun or sometimes spelled as neurogenderfawn is a form of genderfluidity. It essentially never encompasses the feeling of being a woman or woman-aligned but feels disconnected to gender due to neurodivergence. The term typically refers to people who are genderfaun but feel disconnected from gender due to neurodivergence.


    Greyfaun which may be spelled as grayfaun refers to someone who is genderfaun but has a gender that is influenced by greygender. This means the person does not fully feel genderfaun, they may in fact flow between male and non-binary genders but with a much lower percentage and intensity.


    This is essentially the opposite of genderfaun. Genderfae is a form of gender fluid identity that does not include any man-aligned or male genders. People who identify as genderfae may fluctuate between female and non-binary genders but never feel any masculine-aligned or male genders.

    Flag & Symbols

    The genderfaun flag features seven stripes of orange, yellow, white, and blue shades. The colors serve as a complement to genderfae flag but avoid pink and red that are typically associated with femininity.

    Genderfaun flagGenderfaun flag

    An alternate version created on Tumblr features the genderfaun flag with a symbol representing genderfaun people.

    One of alternate genderfaun flagOne of alternate genderfaun flag


    Genderfaun is a form of genderfluidity. That said, genderfaun individuals often feel a multitude of genders that may have them use a variety of different pronouns.

    Genderfaun may include male-aligned as well as nonbinary gender but never female-aligned genders. So, a person that identifies as gender faun may use pronouns like he/him, they/them, xe/xem, ze/zir, ee/eem, and other gender-neutral pronouns that they feel comfortable with.

    How To Know If You’re a Genderfaun?

    If you identify as non-binary, genderqueer, or gender fluid and experience a multitude of genders but never female or feminine genders you may be a genderfaun person.

    It is important to note that gender fluidity is different for every person. People feel gender in a variety of different ways. To some, being genderfaun is an essential part of their identity, to others, it is not the most crucial factor.

    The term genderfaun best describes someone who will never feel female or have female characteristics. Genderfaun is not limited to being an AMAB person. In fact, many AFAB people may identify as genderfaun.

    It is a fluid identity that means people who are non-binary, genderqueer, agender, bigender, and multigender may relate to being a genderfaun person. That said, someone who is non-binary is not necessarily genderfaun, and someone who is genderfaun is not necessarily non-binary.

    If you feel the label genderfaun best describes you, go ahead and claim it for yourself. Remember your genderfluidity may take on many different forms. Gender may change over the course of a day, week, month, year, or decade. Your identity, sexuality, expression, presentation are all valid regardless of the label you choose to put on them.

    How To Support Someone Who is Genderfaun?

    If you would like to support someone who identifies as genderfaun. Here are a few helpful ideas to start the conversation, show your pride as well as offer a helping hand.

    The most important step you can take in supporting a genderfaun person is to educate yourself and others. Find reliable sources online like GLAAD, Human Rights Watch, The Trevor Project, and so on.

    Find and join local LGBTQ+ organizations, centers, and clubs that work with LGBTQ+ people and especially youth.

    Talk to the person that identifies as genderfaun, they may offer advice and provide information that you need.

    Be an active listener, offer support but do not ask questions that may be inappropriate.

    Avoid putting someone on the spot with questions about their identity. Gender is a spectrum, so a person may experience it in completely different ways than what you are used to.

    Simplified version of the commonly used flagSimplified version of the commonly used flag

    Alternate version of the flagAlternate version of the flag

    Demifaun flagDemifaun flag

    Faunflux flagFaunflux flag

    Neurogenderfaun flagNeurogenderfaun flag

    Alternate neurogenderfaun flagAlternate neurogenderfaun flag

    Alternate demifaun flagAlternate demifaun flag

    Alternative demifaun flagAlternative demifaun flag

    Librafaun flagLibrafaun flag

    Alternative faunflux flagAlternative faunflux flag

    Alternative neurogenderfaun flagAlternative neurogenderfaun flag

    Greyfaun flagGreyfaun flag

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    Edward Reese

    Edward has worked in LGBTIQ+ NGOs since 2019, took part in various international trans* conferences and created a series of lectures about queer theory and nonbinary identities for beginners. He’s a prominent LGBTIQ Tiktok educational blogger, awarded as a Best Queer Blogger in 2021. In 2023 he took part in the UN Trans Advocacy Week as part of TGEU delegation, and was one of the authors of the speech in the interactive dialog with Independent Expert on SOGI Victor Madrigal Borlos. Later that year he was one of the World Innovators in Human Rights Campaign Summit.

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