Taimi Law Enforcement Guide

  1. Introduction

Welcome to the Law Enforcement Guide for Taimi (“Taimi”, ”We”). This guide is designed to assist law enforcement officials  (“You”, “Your”)  in efficiently requesting and obtaining user (account) data from our platform (“Personal Data Export”). It outlines the specific types of requests we accommodate, details the necessary information we ask You to provide, and explains the procedure for submitting requests to ensure they are handled promptly and accurately. We are committed to cooperating with law enforcement while protecting our users’ privacy and rights. Please examine this guide carefully to comprehend our procedures and ensure effective collaboration fully.

  1. Before You Submit Your Request

Required User Information

To facilitate a user account’s accurate and timely location, please provide as much information on our potential user as possible. This may include username, user ID, date of birth, phone number, email, photo, location, etc. We strongly recommend submitting at least two (2) pieces of information, including sending us a screenshot of the user profile.

Legal Documentation Requirements

All requests must be supported by the necessary legal documentation to proceed. These include:

  • Preservation Requests: To preserve the account data, the request must be submitted on official letterhead, signed, and specify the identity of the user and the required duration of data preservation.

Note, We will comply with formal requests to preserve user data, holding it for a maximum of 90 days. We may extend the preservation of data for an additional 90 days upon receipt of a subsequent request. However, repeated extensions may be subject to refusal.

  • Subpoenas, Court Orders, and Search Warrants: For a Personal Data Export, ensure that Your documentation adheres to legal standards necessary for accessing detailed user data.
  1. Submitting Your Request

Direct all requests to our email address: legal@taimi.com. A paper copy of the request is not required.

To streamline the processing of Your request, please follow these instructions:

  • Email Subject Line: Use “Law Enforcement Request” or “Preservation Request” based on the nature of Your inquiry. We will do our best to respond to every request, but using the specified wording can expedite the processing of Your inquiry.
  • Language:  All requests, along with any supporting legal documents, must be submitted in English or accompanied by an English translation.
  • Company details: Social Impact Inc.; 180 North Town Center Drive Suite 100, Las Vegas, NV 89144, US.
  • Response Time: Our standard response time is 14 calendar days. Should you not hear from us within 14 calendar days, please follow up with your request.
  • Urgent Requests: Label urgent requests as “Emergency” (in addition to the wording above) to ensure prioritized processing, typically within 5 business days. You shall also include the feasible reasons for the emergency. Please note that response time may be longer due to the volume of cases and the complexity of the request.
  • Follow-Up and Additional Comments: If You have any additional comments on the user or case, or if You need to revisit a case some time after our initial communication, please use the same email thread or subject line. This approach ensures quicker and more consistent responses.
  1. Personal Data Export

The requested data will be delivered in a zip-file format via email.

After extracting the zip-file, You will find a folder labeled “taimi” (or it may appear unnamed), containing four files. It is crucial to extract all files to ensure You have access to the complete dataset. If the system indicates that there are no files to extract, please use 7-Zip File Manager or a similar program by selecting the “Open with” option.

To review the data, open the HTML file named “index” using any standard internet browser (such as Google Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Opera, etc.). This file presents an isolated (offline) webpage that allows You to navigate the user data through a sidebar and active links, which are highlighted in blue and underlined for ease of access.

Please refer to the ‘data’ file if you encounter difficulties extracting or opening the file due to technical issues or security settings. It contains all the required information, albeit in a less user-friendly format than the ‘index’ file.

Note that the Personal Data Export will include data solely about the user specified in the respective subpoena or search warrant. We are committed to honoring and protecting the privacy of our users; therefore, any broad requests, such as providing records of other users who have contacted or interacted with the specified user, will not be granted. In particular, if you need to receive the full conversation between specific users, include each individual in your subpoena or search warrant.

  1. User Data and User Notification

Types of User Data Available

The user data You can obtain from us includes but is not limited to:

  • General Info (ID, username, birth date, email address, sign-up time, last login time, etc.)
  • Coordinates Log
  • Photos
  • Login History
  • Transaction History
  • Conversations, incl. photos sent (the Personal Data Export contains only the content of messages sent by the user and does not include responses from other users or any identifying information about them. Refer to Section 4 for more details)

The time zone specified in the Personal Data Export corresponds to the user’s location.  The longitude and latitude coordinates indicate the locations where the user opened and used the Taimi application during the specified times.

In addition, be aware that some data may be unavailable if it has not been provided by the user on their profile.

User Account Identification

If We are unable to identify the user account in question, We will notify You. Further, if deemed reasonable, We may request additional information to conduct a more thorough search.

Data Retention and Deletion

For detailed information on our data retention and deletion policies, please refer to Section 6 of the Taimi Privacy Policy.

Notification Policy

Typically, We do not notify our users of requests for their data, though exceptions may apply under certain circumstances.

  1. Authentication by Taimi

Only if explicitly requested, data disclosures made to U.S. law enforcement may be accompanied by our standard Certificate of Authenticity, signed by the authorized representative.

  1. Conclusion

If Your question is not addressed in this guide, please email us at legal@taimi.com. Please read this Guide carefully and ensure Your question is not resolved before submitting Your additional questions.

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