Meet Taimi!
Taimi is a fully inclusive queer dating platform. In a world of cookie-cutter dating apps, we broke the mold. Taimi disrupted the industry with its concept of fluid dating, an approach that welcomes all queer folks, even those in the process of self-discovery.
Taimi users are:
- Active and social
- Upwardly mobile
- Engaged in their communities
- Eager to attend events that are queer-friendly
If this is the audience you’re seeking for your next event, Taimi can help!
Meet Our Diverse And Engaged Audience
Are you looking to reach audiences for your dynamic, LGBTQIA+-friendly events? Great! Taimi attracts the demographics you want. They represent a powerful consumer group that is always seeking out new social opportunities.
We have a wide range of users here. With 80% of our members being part of the 18-35 year old demographic, it's easy to see why advertisers are eager to reach our audience.
Taimi is inclusive and welcoming. All genders are represented here including men, women, and non-binary folks. We are proud to welcome all gender identities into our online community.
We welcome all sexualities. Taimi members are gay, lesbian, bisexual, ace, queer, exploring, and more. That means better targeting opportunities for your campaigns.
Taimi! In Major Cities And Beyond
New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, and beyond, We’re proud that Taimi continues to grow quickly in cities large and small. Where’s your next event? You can bet there will be Taimi audiences interested in making your amazing events even better. Let’s talk about the location of your next event!
Why Choose Taimi In Person?
An engaged audience for queer-friendly events
User friendly dashboard for tracking stats
Partner with a genuinely inclusive queer brand
Taimi In-Person – Three Key Points!
Are you ready to promote your queer-friendly, live events? It really is easy!
The Power of Queer Consumers in Events Advertising
Sometimes, life happens more online than offline. Certainly, it can feel as if it’s easier to engage with the world by smartphone than in person, but there’s an undeniable cultural shift. People want to make real-world connections. They want to go out, enjoy live experiences, and spend time with friends. This is the ideal time to lean into offline events planning to expand your audience. One of the best ways to do that is by promoting to queer audiences.
Why market your live events to the LGBTQIA+ community? Simply put, queer folks love a party. They also love a drag brunch, seminar, concert, happy hour, forum, or festival. Your queer-friendly offline events offer our members the opportunities they crave to connect and make community. That’s something they need more than ever.
Queer folks are clearly interested in live events, but why should your brand target queer, online spaces like Taimi? You would be hard-pressed to identify an audience that is more socially engaged, active, or in a better financial position.
We’d love to talk to you about your queer-friendly events. The Taimi team has attractive prospects for brands that would like to partner with us.