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The Biggest Dating Platform for Lesbian Women You’ll Ever Use
Get ready for a lesbian dating site like you’ve never seen before. Taimi offers an ocean of advantages to its users. Everything you do on this free site opens you to new people and relationships. No matter what it is that you want, you’ll certainly find it on Taimi. Whether you’re looking for a partner for casual dating or a serious relationship, we’ll give you what you want.
Plus, Taimi is a dating app created for everyone. Unlike many other online dating sites you don’t need to pay anything to use our dating app. That is unless you go beyond the app’s free version and choose a premium version instead.
Recursos que fazem o Taimi o aplicativo de namoro que todos amam
Os recursos do aplicativo Taimi são o seu pão com manteiga. Aqui estão os recursos que fazem do Taimi um dos melhores aplicativos de namoro no mercado e o que o coloca no topo.
O recurso Descoberta oferece acesso a lésbicas solteiras que se apresentam. É também onde você pode encontrar amigos e almas gêmeas. No Discovery, você desliza para mostrar seu interesse.
Você também quer compartilhar outras coisas que não estão acontecendo ao vivo? O feed é o lugar para isso. O feed também funciona como uma rede social para todas as pessoas lésbicas.
Finalmente, o que faz o Taimi a melhor plataforma de namoro para mulheres queer é o seu recurso fácil de usar e intuitivo de chamadas de vídeo e mensagens privadas. É um dos sistemas mais seguros da internet, além de ser divertido de usar.
A Finder to Help You Meet Local Women and Women From Other Parts of the World
Are you resurfacing from a bad breakup or traumatic experience? Taimi brings new meaning to the phrase “many other fish in the sea.” Yet, the extensive communities of Taimi and other sites are essentially useless without a good finder. The finders on the typical dating sites and apps are often the same. Taimi uses some factors of the other successful finders and then adds its unique matcher to increase the chances of good matches.
Our finder is what makes Taimi one of the best lesbian dating apps out there. It uses a complicated matchmaking algorithm that ensures everyone finds the person with whom they match best. However, like other popular lesbian dating apps, you need to use Taimi frequently. The more you use Taimi, the more it begins to know you and understand your tastes. With more usage over time, your matches will become more and more accurate.
The finder works whether you want to meet local singles in your area or people from across the globe. Also, you don’t need to know all of your preferences when you enter them. Feel free to explore your orientation.

Aqui estão os três passos para começar a namorar online no Taimi
A Dating App Designed for Lesbians Who Want Dating Partners
By going to one of the world’s top lesbian dating sites, you put yourself in a good place. With Taimi, you don’t need to venture across the world to meet someone. Meeting another lesbian is as easy as logging in and using the Discover feature. The same goes if you’re trying to find someone to date in your locality.
As lesbians, we understand that it can be tricky to find someone with the same gender identity and interests. Finding a partner can be a hassle and may even cause some unnecessary stress. This is why millions of queer people worldwide choose Taimi. They know that they can join quality conversations and make meaningful connections, friendships, and relationships here.

The Best Place for You To Meet Women to Date, Live With, and More
Are you looking for serious relationships and a long-term partner? Or would you rather look for someone with whom you can have a fling? Do you want to find women interested in the same things as you, with whom you can share romantic relationships without sexual expectations? All kinds of people are on Taimi, creating a diverse community with diverse dating preferences.
A Community for Everyone Who Identifies as Lesbian
Are you tired of the dating sites and apps that only feature a specific group of people? Nothing is wrong with those groups finding a safe space online. Yet, other queer people who don’t belong to a certain group may find themselves looking for their own space for dating lesbians, as well.
Taimi drifts away from the typical free lesbian dating apps and instead opens its doors to all kinds of queer women. You could be in your youth, older, or middle-aged. You might identify as butch, femme, or have other vibes and still find the niche for you.

Ainda está em dúvida se o Taimi é o lugar certo para você?
Leia sobre como outras lésbicas vivenciaram nosso aplicativo e veja se suas histórias se conectam com a sua. Talvez o final feliz delas possa ser o seu também? Deixe essas avaliações te inspirarem a começar sua própria aventura no Taimi hoje.
Taimi is One of the Top-Rated Lesbian Dating Apps That Ensure Your Comfort
The other members of Taimi aren’t all veteran dating site users. You’ll most likely meet others who are new to the online dating scene. You don’t need to force yourself to become a social butterfly to create relationships with Taimi. You only need to be genuinely interested in your matches and to be somewhat open to dating.
To help you find the people who best suit your preferences, use our search filters. You can also customize your profile to ensure you attract the women you want to meet. If you want to find a new platform within Taimi to meet more women, consider joining the lesbian chat.
Taimi: Influencers View
A Lesbian Dating App Like No Other
A social platform that gives lesbian women an opportunity to connect with each other, find friendships as well as form meaningful relationships.
Perguntas Frequentes
Aqui está uma compilação das perguntas mais frequentes que nossos novos membros têm. Se a sua não for respondida aqui, entre em contato com nossa equipe de suporte.
Tudo bem. Basta enviar uma mensagem e responderemos o mais rápido possível.
ContactosO Taimi valoriza a experiência do usuário acima de tudo. Queremos que você se sinta segura, confortável e confiante no nosso aplicativo, independentemente da sua orientação sexual. É por isso também que oferecemos adesão gratuita a todas as pessoas lésbicas. Tudo o que você precisa em um aplicativo de namoro já está no Taimi. Você pode até participar de eventos locais para encontrar amigos na vida real.
Outros aplicativos populares de namoro lésbico atraem usuários com seus vários recursos. A diferença do Taimi é que ele faz o mesmo, mas também melhora a experiência de namoro. Nosso aplicativo oferece um espaço saudável e incentiva sua comunidade a crescer. As mulheres queer que usam nosso aplicativo podem te contar como o Taimi mudou suas vidas amorosas.
Como um aplicativo mundial, você pode usar nosso aplicativo em uma variedade de idiomas. Entendemos que as barreiras linguísticas podem criar tensão e problemas para pessoas queer que querem se entender.
Você tem medo de ser combinada com perfis falsos de lésbicas solteiras? Muitos usuários de outros sites de namoro tiveram experiências com catfishing e golpes. No Taimi, você pode ficar tranquila sabendo que temos moderadores para verificar se todos os usuários seguem as políticas, termos e condições do site.
Está tendo problemas com o aplicativo Taimi? Obter ajuda do nosso serviço de atendimento ao cliente e equipe de suporte é fácil. Você pode acessá-lo através do aplicativo ou do site. Garantimos que nossa equipe de atendimento ao cliente está pronta para ajudar 24/7. Você também pode verificar a página de suporte para links para outras perguntas frequentes que não abordamos aqui.
Como um aplicativo feito especificamente para pessoas queer e outros membros da comunidade LGBTQ, quase todos online querem se juntar ao Taimi. O aplicativo já tem milhões de usuários ativos. No ano passado, alcançamos uma base de usuários de mais de 10 milhões. Nossa vasta base de usuários é a chave para uma comunidade diversa, aberta e divertida. Conheça as milhões de mulheres queer hoje.
O Taimi é completamente gratuito para todos os usuários interessados. Você não precisa pagar nenhuma taxa para começar no Taimi. Você é livre para aproveitar o namoro no Taimi.
Além da versão gratuita, também oferecemos uma assinatura paga para aprimorar a experiência de namoro de nossos usuários. Você ganha acesso a recursos como:
- Filtros de busca extras
- Ver quem visitou seu perfil
- Mais opções de controle de perfil;
Tudo bem. Basta enviar uma mensagem e responderemos o mais rápido possível.
ContactosThe All-In-One App for Lesbian Dating That You Need and Deserve
Joining the dating scene as a lesbian can lower the quality of the experience once you come out. It is why apps like Taimi are essential to today’s dating and hookup scene. Because it’s exclusive to LGBTQ+ people, it’s easier to find matches that suit your taste.
You only need to use the app’s four best features to give the matchmaking system a chance to get to know you some more. No extra effort is necessary. Simply enjoy yourself on the app.
Celebrate Your Gender and Sexual Orientation Without Shame
Do you live in an area where coming out of the closet can put you in grim situations? Although many countries are accepting the different gender identities today, some people are still closed-minded and conservative. Taimi wants to give you the chance to learn how to be your authentic self, even if only in online interactions. It is our way of bridging the LGBTQ world together.
Since almost all users are part of the LGBTQ community, you don’t need to hide what you are on our app. This is your chance to learn how to be bold, confident, and comfortable in your skin. Feel empowered and celebrate being a lesbian or queer woman daringly.
Doing this improves your quality of life and opens you to new opportunities. Being more open about your sexual preferences can get you in communities in which you’d hesitate to join otherwise. When you join these groups, you forge connections. Some may have powerful impacts on your life.
In the wider world, some people need to be more courteous with how they treat others, and some are still positively bigoted. This is where your training may come in handy and even save your life. This is only one ripple effect of joining and participating in Taimi.
Get Matched With Lesbians That are Worth Your Time
Have you had bad experiences when it comes to dating other lesbians? Before you give up on your chances at finding love, give Taimi a shot. Our finder or matchmaking system will match you with all the potential matches that best suit your personality and preferences.
Do you want to try face-to-face dating again or as close as you can get? Feel free to join the local events organized by other Taimi users and groups. You can learn more about these events by following Taimi influencers and talking to other people in your area. The Discovery feature can also give you a heads up on local, national, and even international online events.
It’s Optimized to Open You to the Many Other Fish in the Sea
If you’re limited to meeting lesbians in your locale or city, the LGBTQ community can feel quite small. Knowing that there are only a handful of lesbians in your area can make you feel lonely. It doesn’t matter if you always see or chat with more lesbians online.
The good news is that creating a free account on Taimi can open up your world significantly. You may never even know that more lesbians reside near you. They may even be right next door and have been keeping low-key all this time. And that’s only checking in your proximity.