This All Hallows Eve TAIMI is pulling out all the stops! TAIMI, which is now famous for being the first LGBTQI+ social network and dating app kicked off Halloween celebration with a bang!In celebration of the spookiest holiday, TAIMI is featuring a makeup and costume contest across all its platforms including @taimiapp social media accounts!

Halloween is otherwise known as “the great gay holiday.”It is just as important as Pride Parade for all of us who are LGBTQ+.Long before June officially became Gay Pride Month, Halloween was our unofficial annual “holiday,” dating back to the 1970s when it was a massive street party in San Francisco’s Castro district in the United States.Another important reason why Halloween matters so much to LGBTQ+ people — the ability to be yourself while remaining in the closet.We know, no one should live in a closet but the truth is not everyone is able to come out safely. Tonight, we can be as flamboyant and flashy as we want without any judgment.Like its pagan roots, Halloween provided an outlet for cross-dressing and gender-bending LGBTQ outsiders who are often unable to be themselves in day-to-day life.To get users in the mood TAIMI, which started out as a gay dating app, launched a makeup tutorial campaign featuring social media influencers like:Mishel Bronx name=”04bd” id=”04bd” class=”graf graf–figure graf–iframe graf–layoutOutsetCenter graf-after–pullquote”>Scott Frenzel name=”8599″ id=”8599″ class=”graf graf–figure graf–iframe graf–layoutOutsetCenter graf-after–pullquote”>Kennny Screven name=”24e4″ id=”24e4″ class=”graf graf–figure graf–iframe graf–layoutOutsetCenter graf-after–pullquote”>Bonnie Ann Clyde name=”4f9a” id=”4f9a” class=”graf graf–figure graf–iframe graf–layoutOutsetCenter graf-after–pullquote”>Noah Fabray name=”5838″ id=”5838″ class=”graf graf–figure graf–iframe graf–layoutOutsetCenter graf-after–pullquote”>

Right in time for Halloween, TAIMI upgraded its interface to feature Halloween-themed treats like bats, pumpkins, and funny icebreakers.The contest runs until tomorrow (i.e. All Saints Day).The lucky winner will receive lots of incredible TAIMI gear and tons of glorious appreciation from the social network and dating app’s followers on social media. All our official accounts on all platforms are @taimiappSo, Trick or Treat! Make sure to tag #TaimiHalloween #Taimi #TaimiApp on all social media platforms! Yes, don’t forget to install TAIMI for either iOS or Android (or both!) to get a shot at this and amazing prize!Express yourself on TAIMI all year round!Happy Halloween!!!
By TAIMI on October 31, 2019.Canonical linkExported from Medium on July 7, 2020.