Trans Day of Remembrance

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Alan Schin
Updated on January 02, 2025 | 3 min read

More than 350 trans and gender-diverse people have been reported murdered in the last year alone

We, at Taimi believe that all people should be treated fairly and equally. As the world’s largest LGBTQ+ platform that features a social network and dating app Taimi provides a safe and secure space for everyone.

Many of our 8+ Million users are trans women and men and a large number are gender-diverse people. So, this week we want to focus our attention on Transgender Awareness Week that leads up to the International Trans Day of Remembrance (TDOR).

The International Trans Day of Remembrance takes place every year on November 20th. The day was started in 1999 by a transgender rights advocate Gwendolyn Ann Smith to honor the memory of a transgender woman named Rita Hester who was killed the year prior.

Smith organized a vigil that not only commemorated Hester, but also all the transgender people murdered before and since her death. Thus, began an annual tradition. On the International Trans Day of Remembrance, we think of those who lost their lives to violence, marginalization and prejudice.

In just over a decade there have been at least 3664 murders of trans and gender-diverse people registered worldwide.

Since October 2019 at least 350 trans and gender-diverse people have been murdered.

– 98% of them were trans women or trans feminine people.

– 28 trans individuals were killed in the United States, the majority of them were people of color

– 82% of all the murders registered happened in Central and South America

– The average age of those murdered is 31 years old

– The youngest victim was just 15 years old

Unfortunately with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and constant misgendering by families, authorities and the media there cannot be a certainty when it comes to the real number of reported victims.

We must remember that behind these numbers and percentages are real people, whose lives we, as a society failed to protect.

As Alex Pasykov, the founder of Taimi says — it is important for us all to step up and speak out. We all need to be allies to LGBTQ+ people regardless of where we identify on the gender and sexuality spectrum. We all need to raise awareness and get involved in the fight for equality.

Taimi encourages you to honor all those transgender people we lost over the years. If you cannot attend an in-person vigil due to the pandemic, try looking for online commemorating ceremonies or even organize your own. Use the hashtag #TDoR2020 on social media to spread the word as much as possible.

There are also a list of online resources available on GLAAD and TGEU websites.

About Taimi: Taimi is the world’s largest LGBTQ+ platform that features a social network and dating app. Taimi has several layers of verification, 24/7 profile moderation, around-the-clock live support, and PIN/Fingerprint/Face ID.
Taimi has zero-tolerance for judgment, discrimination, hate, or aggression.
Taimi is
free to download on Android and iOS.

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Alan Schin

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