Last Updated 24.05.2023
5 min read

Throwing an LGBTQ+ Pride Party: Activities Cocktails & More

Alan Schin (he/him/his) is the Chief Editor at Taimi. He wears several hats daily as a writer, editor, blogger, and content contributor. He began his university studies as a Psychology student but found his passion in Advanced Communication Studies. Alan loves having the opportunity to write and help our content team shine. According to Alan, his education helps him to understand the dynamics behind dating and socialization better. When he isn’t busy with Taimi, Alan works on his first novel, a sci-fi thriller, and creates works of art in his ceramics studio.

Pride is coming, and you want to celebrate. Hopefully, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to gather with friends in your community at local Pride events, but you may choose to throw a party of your own. That’s an amazing idea. Now, comes the challenging part.

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    How do you throw an LGBTQ+ pride party that is absolutely on point? Start with this guide! We’ll show you how to plan a celebration that is fun, inclusive, and meaningful.

    Choose Your Theme

    Wait! Isn’t the theme Pride? It is, but there is so much you can do with that! Be creative, and consider your guests. Here are just a few suggestions.

    Camp it up With a Rainbow Theme

    It’s not a Pride party if there isn’t a rainbow somewhere! Still, we understand why some people might want to go a bit understated. Surely, it’s possible to have a classy gathering of LGBTQ+ folx and their allies without slapping a rainbow on every surface. If that’s your preference go for it.

    Or, you can take things in the opposite direction. Embrace the rainbow! Incorporate it into every element of your celebration. Ask your guests to wear rainbow themed outfits. Yes, it will be gaudy and over-the-top. It will also be fun as hell.

    Glitz And Glamour

    When was the last time you and your friends pulled out your best clothes, got your hair done, and spent hours perfecting your look? It doesn’t matter, cause it’s time to do it again! A glamorous pride event is the perfect excuse to buy a fabulous ensemble, and an opportunity to see just how good-looking your friends really are.

    An LGBTQ+ Themed Costume Party

    It’s a Pride costume party. Who are you going as? Will it be your favorite queen from this season of drag race, a queer character from a best-selling novel, or a historical figure? ‘Be sure to give your guests plenty of notice if you choose this theme. They’ll need time to put a fabulous costume together.

    Pride Film Fest

    What if you want things to be a bit low key? Throw a chill Pride party with an LGBTQ+ themed film fest. Hand pick a few awesome movies that either have great LGBTQ+ characters, or have earned honorary status in the queer community.

    Design Amazing Invites

    In the name of Mariah Carey, please do not text people invites to this event. You are planning a Pride party not Tuesday night at the local sausage factory. Take the time to design some festive invites, or buy some. That’s fine too! Don’t worry, if you order online you can send them digitally or through the mail. You’d be surprised at how much people appreciate an old-fashioned paper invitation.

    Not the creative type? Don’t worry! There are many free tools that you can use to design great invitations. We love Canva for this. Also, feel free to tap a creative friend for a bit of help on this project.

    Pick Your Partyware

    Now you need plates, drinking glasses, napkins, and decorations. Choose whatever goes with your theme, or that you love. Just follow two pieces of advice:

    • Disposable is terrible for the environment

    • Don’t blow your budget on this

    Sorry, but single use plastics are never Pride friendly. Hit up a thrift store or your local store for cute plates, glasses, and serving trays. Buy some inexpensive cloth napkins. We can celebrate ourselves while respecting the earth too!

    Ya Gotta Feed These People Sis!

    You have to feed people at your party. No, it doesn’t matter if drinking is going to be the main event. Truthfully, if you’re serving booze, it’s even more important to have food available.

    What to serve? That depends! Is your party happening during mealtime? If so, you’re gonna need heavy apps at a bare minimum. Other times of the day, a mix of savory and sweet foods will keep your guests happy.

    Be a good host, and be sensitive to preferences and allergies. It isn’t as hard as you think to ensure that everybody has something they can eat.

    Sidenote: If somebody offers to bring something, let them!

    Activities: You Need Stuff to Do!

    Sure, some people are going to be just fine hanging out and chatting, but a party will die quickly if there isn’t something to do. So, have a few things available to keep people occupied and interacting with one another.

    You know how your group vibes, but here are a few ideas:

    • Get some props and cool background to create a selfie wall

    • Set up a TV with Mario Kart or other group game in one corner

    • Karaoke machine!

    • Those over-the-top oversized outdoor games

    • Board and card games for a laid back vibe

    Once you choose your activities, keep things low-pressure. The idea is to give people opportunities to have fun without being an overbearing host.

    Drinks For Everybody

    It isn’t pride without refreshments. For most folks that’s going to mean a mix of alcoholic and NA drinks. Although, if you plan on throwing a sober or California-sober party, we think that is absolutely amazing. In any case, we love to offer up a festive, pride themed signature cocktail along with the standard party beverages. Be sure to offer plenty of water, stock up on ice, and have some coffee and tea on hand too!

    Are you worried about the price of all these drinks? Make a few pitchers of an alcoholic punch. It’s perfectly fine to use bottom shelf booze. Then, offer soft drinks, and encourage your hard drinking guests to BYOB.

    Parting Tip: Share The Love

    Not to end on a downer, but there are people all across America who are having a hard time finding reasons to celebrate. Keep them in mind. Even better, use your party as a platform to raise awareness and cash. Find a group that supports LGBTQ+ youth, a legal defense fund for people who provide gender affirming care, or even your local planned parenthood. Then, let your guests know about your fundraising when you send the invites. Trust us, your community will always show up.

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