It is no secret that Valentine’s Day is all about love. However, not all of us were in a relationship this February 14.

Love is a subject that is quite frankly exploited on Valentine’s Day. The commercialized version of a perfect relationship with candles, roses, and chocolates galore is seen and heard everywhere in the days leading up to the “most romantic day of the year”. Not to mention the fact that most of the time these are cisgender hetero-normative influenced ideas of what a loving couple should like. So, let’s take a look at the flip side of the coin. What does it mean for a single LGBTQ+ person to see a bombardment of red hearts from every screen? You guessed it, Valentine’s can be quite depressing and difficult to bear if you’re single and vulnerable.
Every year since its inception, Taimi — the world’s largest LGBTQ+ platform that features a social network and dating app — has received thousands of messages from its users asking for advice, help, consolation, and whatever else is on their minds. These messages tend to double in numbers in the weeks and days leading up to Valentine’s Day. This year, due to the pandemic and global lockdowns, the incoming texts about the commercialization of love and what it means on February 14 are overwhelming.
Without naming names and disclosing personal information, we want to share some of the thoughts our amazing LGBTQ+ people have expressed about Valentine’s Day. Our support staff wants to give the most appropriate advice, but even then, it isn’t an easy feat for Taimi crew. When it comes to personal struggles in love, we know that corporations spend huge budgets on Valentine’s day. The dating industry is no exception, hey we’ve even been guilty of that. However, Taimi is a product that aims to improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people around the world. Our goal is to see a world where all of us can be comfortable in our own skin.
Self-love is largely ignored on Valentine’s Day, but to Taimi it is one of the most important messages that needs to be splattered all over the place. Let’s take a step back and ask ourselves. What if this Valentine’s Day we focus on what is truly important — a balance between physical and mental health.
In the times of COVID-19 pandemic, when people are becoming more and more isolated, it is hard not to fall into a trap of commercialized love. Marketers tend to target singles in the weeks coming up to February 14th, on television, online, and in print. It seems the message is quite hard to ignore when the only means of communicating with new people is online. The pressure to uphold unrealistic expectations is real, and Taimi is here to say no.
We want to make sure that our users always focus on the larger picture. As the world’s largest LGBTQ+ platform, Taimi is here to keep our friends and followers safe and secure. We want to make sure that all our LGBTQ+ singles feel welcome and happy regardless of the messaging that is pushed by marketing firms on Valentine’s. That means rushing into something just for the sake of not being alone on February 14th — is gravely discouraged.

Far too many young LGBTQ+ people are struggling with mental issues. We ask corporations and companies to focus on changing that. So, we are on the lookout for brands and companies that stand by our values and vision. If your company or organization wants to support LGBTQ+ people, change and improve the world, and show how important the balance between physical and mental health is, please reach out to
Let’s make a difference together, so next Valentine’s Day we don’t have to talk about depression, loneliness, anxiety, but about self-love and self-appreciation.
About Taimi: Taimi is the world’s largest LGBTQ+ platform that features a social network and dating app. Taimi offers the safest and most secure user experience on the market — with its several verification layers, 24/7 profile moderation, PIN/Fingerprint/Face ID, and live support. The platform’s fundamental policy is zero-tolerance for judgment, discrimination, hate, or aggression.
Taimi is free to download. Taimi XL subscription provides access to features unavailable or limited in the free version of the app.
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The Dark Side of Valentine’s Day was originally published in Taimi News & Updates on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.