How to make sure romance is always a part of your LGBTQ+ relationship
Let’s face it, on occasion even the best relationships can hit a brick wall. TAIMI — the world’s largest LGBTQI+ platform that features a social network and dating app is celebrating Romance Awareness Month with its best tips to keep the sparks flying not only in August, but throughout the year too. We want all couples, especially LGBTQ+ partners to feel loved and appreciated at all times. So, without further ado here are TAIMI’s put romance back in your life.

LGBTQ+ relationships are no different from straight relationships, they face the same highs and lows that all couples do. So, it’s important that we focus on the fact that romance is a crucial part of all relationships.
Sure, in the beginning most couples face euphoria over meeting each other. Everything is new and exciting and it’s hard to see any negatives in a new partner, but with time relationships can fall into a rut. Trust issues can also arise and with the fact that the outside world is not always very accepting of LGBTQ+ relationships that can add pressure.
External stress can definitely make an impact on any relationship. Think of judgements, rejection, questions, and so many things that LGBTQ+ people can face on a daily basis. TAIMI wants to make sure every relationship feels the romance and sparks continue to fly regardless of what is going on in the outside world. When the going gets tough, make sure you have these tips to turn to in order to put the romance back in your life.
Find a Community

TAIMI — the world’s first LGBTQI+ social network and dating app is just that! A community of like-minded people that provides a safe space to chat, post, share, discuss, etc. Sure, some people are on TAIMI to find love, but many are on the app to connect with friends and acquaintances. TAIMI is available in more than 45 countries, and people can communicate in different languages, this can be especially helpful to those that live in conservative environments. TAIMI also has custom groups that both of you can join or even create to get a trusted circle of people to support your relationship and build confidence for the both of you.
You are unique
TAIMI prides itself on the fact that it allows all its users to be themselves. Remember, you and your partner are unique. Respect the fact that you are two different people. Although you may be out of the closet, your partner may not be as ready as you are to flaunt all things Rainbow — give them time. It’s important to listen to each other and communicate as much as possible in order to avoid angry outbursts.
Stay Safe
Although this may seem like a no-brainer, to many of LGBTQ+ people being safe is very important when it comes to romance. Although holding hands in public or showing a little PDA may be a great way to showcase romance, in some parts of the world this may lead to dangerous consequences. Remember, there are still over 70 countries that keep it illegal to be LGBTQ+. So, prior to showing off your love in an unfamiliar place, make sure that you and your loved one are safe. Be sure to take care of yourselves and your love.
Open up to each other

Often it’s hard for LGBTQ+ people to open up to strangers, it can also be quite difficult to share your story with a new partner or even with someone you’ve been with for some time. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. If your partner truly loves you, they will listen to you, they won’t judge you, they will appreciate you for all your flaws. Instead of putting up walls, try to leave a few open windows and see where that takes you.
Learn Each Other’s Love Language
TAIMI has talked about this in the past, not everyone expresses their feelings the same way. To some, it’s all about the physical touch, others prefer action, some seek gifts and rewards while others appreciate compliments. Ask your loved one about their preferences, talk to them about the ways they think love should be expressed, and try your best to showcase your feelings for them in a manner they will relate to.
TAIMI hopes these tips will come in handy not only during the month of August which is Romance Awareness Month, but throughout the year. We want all our users, friends and followers to experience meaningful connections full of love and romance. So, if you are facing emotional issues due to added pressure or stress — please don’t be afraid to seek professional help.
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ABOUT TAIMI: TAIMI has several layers of verification, 24/7 profile moderation, around-the-clock live support, and PIN/Fingerprint/Face recognition. TAIMI has zero-tolerance for judgement, discrimination, hate or aggression. TAIMI is free and available to download in the App Store and Google Play. A subscription-based premium version is also available.
TAIMI’s must-know romance tips for queer couples was originally published in Taimi on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.