Intimate Life A Bit Boring? Try An Intimate Surprise

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Alan Schin
Updated on March 04, 2025 | 6 min read

Is the same thing happening in your bedroom? Do you give or get surprises that will bring a level of excitement and happiness there too? Maybe you have never even thought about a flirty surprise. But one or two may just be the thing that will take your between-the-sheets relationship to new heights. Plus, it’s just fun to be either the giver or the receiver of a flirty surprise.

Need an Idea for Fun Surprise Intimacy?

The question now is: What would a good spicy surprise be? If you are lost for great ideas, check some of these out. Be mindful that not all of these will work for you and your partner. You know each other well, and you should know what could bring more energy and excitement for both short- and long-term intimacy.

Each relationship is unique, as are the needs and desires in the bedroom. Still, something completely different and off the wall can bring a whole new dimension to a relationship. As you look at this list, think about what type of surprise romance might just work.

Get Some Spicy Card Decks

There is a whole host of decks of cards that couples can use to spice things up in the bedroom. Research some of them and choose one or two that you think will work. One popular deck contains cards that each of you will randomly select. Each card contains something that one partner will do to the other. The partner who wants to initiate the surprise game will choose a card in advance and make any preparations to carry out the instructions. This will be the activity for the first night. Once that is complete, the couple will decide when they will play this game again, and it is the other partner’s turn to choose a card and to prep according to the instructions. Partners should not reveal the spicy activity is in store for their mate. That’s the whole point of surprise spiciness.

Reserve a Getaway at a Resort/Spa

This can be an amazing surprise, as long as you have made the right preparations. You must be certain that your mate will be free to go on this little adventure – no plans or commitments that cannot be re-arranged. Getting away to a new environment can add much more intimacy and even spontaneous lovin’, moving from the food and drink to the massage table, to the hot tub, to your private room with that glow of anticipation.

Leave a Spicy Message on the Bedroom Mirror

Spicy surprises don’t have to come with a price tag. Using lipstick or a washable marker, write a steamy message on your mirror. This might be what sultry moves you intend to make as soon as you get your mate into bed. If you aren’t used to talking amorously, you can find example messages on several websites – find those that fit your partnership and make note of a bunch of them. You might want to do this every once in a while, but randomly, so the element of surprise stays intact.

Serve Up a Special Dessert

Chocolate, mousse, ice cream, champagne with fruit, are just a few examples of sultry, sensuous desserts that can get your partner in the mood. Then again, there’s something to be said about brinier foods like oysters or clams.

Satisfy Your Partner’s Fantasies

Ask your partner to write down their favorite spicy fantasy and you write yours down too. This can be just like a “homework assignment.” Trade what each of you has written down. When your mate is least suspecting it, have all of the preparations made for their fantasy and let them live it out for real. These kinds of surprises can have your lover ready to reveal even more of what goes on in their brain. Then, you can keep the surprise romance coming over a longer period of time.

Plan a Special Day

Tell a white lie. Tell your partner to clear their entire day because you have planned a day trip. When they arrive to go on that trip, explain that the entire trip will be between the sheets. Have everything prepared in advance – their favorite movies, their favorite music, food, and drink. This is also a great way to have spontaneous moments whenever the mood and the horniness happen to hit. To top off the day, have a bubble bath or shower together – you never know what surprising event might just pop into your heads

Role Play a Classroom

When your partner arrives home from work or to spend an evening with you, here is a great surprise. Dress like a teacher, and your partner must be the student. As a teacher, you are in charge of the classroom, and the student must do whatever you say.

Spicy Surprises Can Bring a World of Fun and Pleasure

Any man or woman can come up with a flirty surprise to delight a mate. If you are not as creative with intimacy as you’d like to be, here you have an article with many possibilities. But you don’t have to stop here – you can find another article or two on the web with even more flirty surprise ideas. Without a surprise or two, love life for men and women can become monotonous and dull. You don’t want that, do you?

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Alan Schin

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