Relationship Boosting Trust Building Exercises For Couples

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Alan Schin
Updated on November 23, 2024 | 12 min read
Relationship Boosting Trust Building Exercises For Couples

You can try trust-building exercises for couples. When these are done correctly they can increase trust and emotional intimacy within your relationship.

What Are Trust Building Exercises For Couples?

These trust-building exercises for couples are designed to increase mutual trust between you and your partner. They are activities that both of you can participate in that will strengthen your relationship with one another.

Don’t worry. There is nothing here that is goofy, embarrassing, or potentially dangerous. Nobody will have to fall down or navigate an obstacle course blindfolded.

Why do we Need Trust Building Exercises?

Trust-building exercises can help your relationship, no matter where you are. New couples can use these methods for building trust as their bond with their partner grows. If you have experienced a major setback in your relationship, these may help you rebuild trust.

Even if things have been going extremely well, you can think of each trust-building exercise as something that further strengthens your relationship. Remember that a strong, long-term relationship takes constant effort. You have to nurture it. That’s the kind of advice you’d have to pay a certified relationship coach for, and these exercises for couples are free!

Be Careful – Keeping Trust-Building Exercises Safe

You want to foster emotional intimacy, not leave someone feeling targeted or traumatized. Remember that you don’t have to implement all of these ideas to build trust in your relationship. Instead, choose what works well within the context of your relationship. Also, if one of you has doubts or is uncomfortable with any of this, please stop. It’s better to step back and get on the same page than to have trust exercises become a source of conflict.

Exercises to Build Trust Between You And Your Partner

Here are some exercises to try as you and your partner work on a healthy relationship that is based on trust.

Give Them Your Phone

This can be a tough one for many couples. However, in some cases, it can be exceptionally important. When sexual and emotional monogamy has been an issue in a relationship, text and social media are often part of that. In the aftermath of this, rebuilding trust may mean providing a partner with more access than you normally would.

That said, the process of rebuilding trust shouldn’t involve humiliating or shaming anybody, nor should it involve stripping them of all privacy. So, this exercise to rebuild trust can be executed with healthy boundaries. For example, one partner could set a time limit on how long they make their device available. Sharing phones can also be done mutually.

If you are given access to our partner’s device, handle that trust with love and care. This is not the time to play detective or to find something to embarrass them. One thing you can do during this exercise to show your partner they can feel safe letting you into their world via their device. Also, this is an excellent opportunity to learn more about their priorities, values, and feelings.

Make Prolonged Eye Contact

We’re conditioned to see looking somebody in the eye as an indicator of trust. However, it does much more than that. Eye contact triggers something that is called limbic mirroring, and that’s key to building trust. It allows you to develop a better understanding of the other person’s feelings. Think of it as a window into your partner’s soul. So, sit across from one another and maintain eye contact for a few minutes. Try not to talk while this is happening. Keep in mind that this is not a staring contest. Just gaze into your partner’s eyes, and try to gain a new understanding.

Plan Dates For One Another

The best trust-building exercises are specific and meaningful. One area in which many couples need to build trust is prioritizing one another and understanding each other. This exercise hits on both of those.

In this exercise, the person who is planning the date is responsible for creating an experience that both of you will enjoy. They have to dig deep to plan something that doesn’t just revolve around their own wants and needs.

There’s something else that happens with this exercise. By taking turns planning date nights, you and your lover work on both sides of the trust equation. People often focus on these exercises as a way for people to prove that they are trustworthy. That’s important, but it isn’t the only concern. Couples often have trust issues because one or both people struggle to trust people. That can be just as damaging within a relationship.

Create a Vision Board Together

If you’re interested in a creative way to build trust together, try creating a vision board. What’s that? A vision board is a bit like a collage. It contains pictures and words glued or taped to a firm backing. However, a vision board is designed to represent future goals, dreams, and plans.

When you work on a dream board as a couple, you are forced to collaborate in many ways. First, you have to team up to create an attractive and representative board. More importantly, you have to come to an agreement about some really important things.

Be creative! Your vision board might represent a specific goal. Perhaps you want to take a dream vacation together or buy a house. You can also be a bit more abstract. Maybe you will create something that represents your dedication to one another and hope for the future. These are your trust exercises. Make them work for both of you!

Start a Hobby as a Couple

You can develop trust, have fun, and spend quality time together. Trust-building activities don’t have to be serious or intense. In fact, fun is an essential component of a good relationship. So, find a mutual hobby that both of you can work on together.

The most important thing here is to enjoy this together. That means celebrating, even laughing at things that go wrong.

Many couples find that it helps to choose an activity that is new to both of them. This provides a fun way to learn and explore together. It also creates an even playing field where mutual experiences can lead to a deeper connection.

Try 15 Minutes of Non-Sexual Intimacy

Here are some statements that couples in trouble often make:

  • Our only physical intimacy is sex
  • He only touches me when he wants sex
  • She’s so cold and uninterested in me physically

These feelings often represent underlying trust issues. For example, one person may be hesitant to show physical affection because they think it will lead to pressure to have sex. Additionally, when partners don’t share regular physical affection they miss out on an important non-verbal form of communication.

Start by spending just a few minutes a week engaged in non-sexual touch. You can cuddle on the couch, give each other a massage, or find some other way to maintain contact without having it lead to sex. Feel free to try some additional relaxation techniques during this such as taking deep breaths in unison.

Ask Your Partner For Help

How do you build trust if you aren’t sure your partner will come through when you need them to? They can say they will be there for you, but actions speak louder than words. Conversely, you may be the one who hasn’t done the work to show that you have the commitment to do what you say you will.

This doesn’t have to be a large or complex task either. Instead, ask your partner to do something small for you. If you can trust them to follow through on the daily stuff that will help you trust them to be there for the most important things.

As the person who is making the request, your trust is also important. Be willing to relinquish control. Don’t focus on how they do things. Don’t criticize either. It isn’t important that they do things the exact way you would. Instead, focus on the outcome. This will show that your actions speak louder than words too. This also helps to build trust with your partner.

Share Secrets With One Another

How well do you know your partner? How well do they know you? One way to build trust is to share important secrets with one another. Otherwise, how do you know there is trust in your relationship? This doesn’t mean you have to reveal everything to your partner. But, you should be willing to disclose a lot about yourself to this person.

Work Together

Here’s another way to create more trust and spend quality time together. Try working together. No, not your job! Find something important that needs to be done. Then, get with your partner to roll up your sleeves and accomplish it.

This will prove your ability to stay committed to one another even in the face of a job that might be stressful and not so fun. They say that if a couple can survive a remodeling project, their relationship is sure to succeed.

The key to success is to work collaboratively. Avoid having one of you dominate the process. This could leave the other partner feeling frustrated or inadequate. That’s counterproductive to spending time together with your partner.

Schedule a Regular Date Night

It’s great to plan dates, but you should also make going out with your partner a regular activity. Schedule a regular date night to strengthen your relationship and spend time together.

Think about how things were when you were in a new relationship. You and your partner probably spent plenty of time together. Over time, you settle into a comfort zone and you don’t make as much of an effort to keep your relationship interesting. If you and your partner don’t seem that interested in each other, how do you build trust?

Discuss Your Fears

It takes time to build up to this, but try to open up. Let your partner know what your fears are. Encourage them to tell you theirs too. When your partner shares their fears and secrets, that helps to establish a deeper trust. They know they can trust you with honest and clear communication.

It’s also very important that your partner can trust you with their fears. Don’t mock or minimize them, even if they don’t make sense to you. The benefit to your relationship will be more than worth showing some empathy and understanding.

Ask Their Advice or Opinion Without Judging or Criticizing

Show your partner you value their thoughts and opinions. Ask for their advice or thoughts. Then, avoid any temptation to argue or counter. It’s a great exercise in accepting different perspectives. It will also make your partner feel good to know you trust their judgment. Try doing this in an area where they know more than you. That way you get the best results, and they get to share something they know with you.

It Takes Baby Steps

Trust isn’t built or restored in a relationship quickly. You and your partner will have to work hard at that. You can try to incorporate some of these exercises to start. Also, simply making communication a priority with your partner will help immensely.

Don’t expect things to change or improve overnight. Instead, look for small improvements and celebrate those. As long as you are willing to talk through your problems and continue working together as a team, you and your partner can build the relationship you want.

It’s Okay to Look Into Couples Counselors

Sometimes, it takes a third person to reach your relationship goals. If you and your partner are considering a family therapist, you should be proud of yourselves. These professionals or couples counselors can provide you with an objective perspective. Additionally, they’ve helped repair dozens of relationships. This could be exactly what you need if either you or your partner questions the level of trust in your relationship.

If you haven’t looked into getting some outside help, talk to a therapist today. You will be happy you took that step.

Final Thoughts – Trust And Commitment Are Worth The Effort

You and your partner should feel as if you can talk about anything, and that you can trust each other no matter what happens. These exercises mix both talk and action to empower both of you to work together as a team. Isn’t your partner worth that effort?

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Alan Schin

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