#OutAndProud: Taimi Celebrates Lesbian Day with a Social Media Campaign

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Alan Schin
Updated on November 26, 2024 | 2 min read

This day marks a history of challenges and struggles Lesbian activists and representatives went through, the struggles and the victories of the ongoing fight for equal rights. But it is also a day when we want to address the challenges so many queer folks go through in the process of coming out.

We are so honored to be a part of the ongoing Out and Proud campaign, which has become the voice of acceptance of LGBTQ+ folks. Celebrating days like International Lesbian Day is another opportunity for us to express our support to the community, but also draw attention to the everyday struggles Lesbian women go through, the discrimination they face and the stigma which very often ignored. We need to have more conversations about the fears Lesbian women having coming out and the bravery they need to live the life they deserve and be accepted by their family and friends.

There is still so much to work on and fight for and we are hoping to see more and more people in LGBTQ+ community feeling safe to come out and being proud of who they are and will continue on working hard to make this world a safer and more inclusive space for all.

Join our Out and Proud campaign to raise awareness and make this world a better and kinder place!

Taimi is available for download here.

About Taimi: Taimi is the world’s largest LGBTQ+ platform that features a social network and dating app. It has several layers of verification, 24/7 profile moderation, around-the-clock live support, and PIN/Fingerprint/Face ID. Taimi has zero-tolerance for judgment, discrimination, hate, or aggression.

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#OutAndProud: Taimi Celebrates Lesbian Day with a Social Media Campaign was originally published in Taimi on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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Alan Schin

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