International Transgender Day of Visibility

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Alan Schin
Updated on November 26, 2024 | 3 min read

Unlike Transgender Day of Remembrance (read more about it here) TDOV is not about mourning but the opposite. Despite the popular belief, Visibility is not about being seen as an individual: it is about working together to make a visible difference in our society.We all know that transgender people come from all walks of life. They are a diverse community that includes different faiths, races, and ethnicities.They are your friends, colleagues, neighbors, family.There are many ways one can honor TDOV. TAIMI encourages you to take the time and learn history. Did you know that transgender women of color were among those on the front lines at Stonewall? There are a lot of fascinating facts in transgender history with some still in the making today.We don’t say this often enough! PRONOUNS matter! So, TAIMI wants you to share your pronouns and of course ask people their preferred pronouns.IMPORTANT! Please remember that not all trans people are ready to come out. Coming out is a very personal matter so please be respectful and never out anyone without their permission!

ALWAYS remember to refer to a trans person by their gender identity and not their sex assigned at birth! You don’t want to misgender people!We trust that you have visited TAIMI FAQ section to make sure you know the difference between gender identity, gender expression, sex assigned at birth, sexual and emotional attraction.The language is constantly evolving and changing so make sure you keep up with the times and follow the latest terminology. If you’re unsure what to say — ask politely, it’s better to ask than say something that will be offensive.You can also check out local events celebrating International Transgender Day of Visibility. Use hashtags #TDOV #TransgenderDayofVisibility #MoreThanVisibility to find out them in your area or country.VERY IMPORTANT! Be a trans ally! Don’t be afraid to speak out against transphobia and bullying.

Educate those who are ignorant and hold those who need to be — accountable.On Transgender Day of Visibility focus on recognition, movement and education! Create your own way to honor TDOV! Host a party or a rally, organize a movie night or a protest, do whatever you can to make this world a better place for transgender people.


By TAIMI on March 31, 2020.Canonical linkExported from Medium on July 7, 2020.

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Alan Schin

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