The importance of recovering from a global pandemic while focusing on human rights
Human Rights Day on December 10 gives us all an opportunity to reflect on the importance of fighting for equality.
This year, the theme is Recover Better — Stand Up for Human Rights. Now, more than ever, the need to recover from a global pandemic while ensuring human rights are at the forefront, is crucial.
Covid-19 impacted not only our way of life, but our way of thinking. The pandemic shifted how people view work, family, personal affairs. In 2020, many of us also saw the rise in remote job opportunities and distance learning.
However, there was also a darker side to staying at home. Many people, especially LGBTQ+ individuals became more vulnerable. There was a spike in domestic violence, and unfortunately recent statistics show suicides are also on the rise in 2020. This all not to mention, how the pandemic impacted countries where Human Rights are not a top priority.
Quite frankly, the impact may be immeasurable for decades. So, it is important to explore opportunities to tackle systematic and intergenerational inequalities, exclusion and discrimination around the globe.
Human Rights Day on December 10 gives us just that. This day allows us to reaffirm the importance of human rights in re-building the world we want to live in.
Recognizing inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
We, at Taimi firmly believe in freedom, equality and justice. Our LGBTQ+ platform provides a service to all LGBTQ+ people regardless where they identify on the gender and sexuality spectrum.
Taimi is a community that wants to see a better world for everyone, that is why Taimi has made it its mission to fight against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia around the globe.

Recently, the founder of Taimi — Alex Pasykov won the prestigious Gay Times Honor award for his efforts to improve the lives of LGBTQ+ individuals. In his heartfelt letter Alex wrote about a personal story of becoming a true ally to the LGBTQ+ people.
Taimi wants you to know that Human Rights are a huge issue that cannot be overlooked. We all want to see a better society that treats everyone with honor, respect and dignity. So, it is important to do your part. Speak out against injustice, research about human rights violations, write to your local leaders, start a movement, join Taimi and do your part to change the world!

Human Rights Day 2020 was originally published in Taimi on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.