V-Day symbolizes all things special and romantic. This is the day when many couples go all out on material things and sentimental expressions of love. More often than not one or both partners eagerly anticipate this holiday as if it was the only day in the year to feel loved.

We, at TAIMI believe that Valentine’s Day is great but EVERY Day should be full of expressions of love and care regardless of the calendar date.Since TAIMI is all about spreading love around the globe and helping people connect as much as possible. We’ve decided to share a few key points on how to make every day feel just as special as Valentine’s Day!A great start is to find ways to let your partner know how much you appreciate them.Sticky notes, text messages, cute emojis can go a long way! Make a conscious effort to say “I Value You”, “I Appreciate You”, “I Love You” not just with words but actions. Leaving cute messages around the house or spontaneously texting your loved one during the day can brighten up their day but also make you feel pretty good about yourself!Take a few minutes of your time after work to tell your partner how you truly feel about them, compliment your loved one — compliments are a sure way to make them feel special!Surprise your partner by doing chores, going shopping, or simply meeting them after work. Sometimes it’s the little things that matter most!Speaking of surprises, treating your partner to their favorite meal is a great way to make them remember why they fell in love with you in the first place. Cooking for them or taking them out to dinner to that spot where you’ve first met or simply grabbing a bite of from that food truck you both really like is a great way to bring romance back.Don’t underestimate the value of time. Simply taking a few extra hours or a day off to go away on a small trip or just to be together can accomplish a lot when it comes to romance in your relationship and ultimately life!Hopefully, these tips will help you feel special every day and Valentine’s Day won’t be the only romantic day on your calendar. After all, love is so much more than just chocolates and roses!And, if you’re single — no need to feel sad or lonely! TAIMI is here to help you find a friend or a partner to spend many romantic days with!To find out more about TAIMI visit our official website, or download the app here.You can also follow TAIMI on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

TAIMI is not only a safe space for LGBTQI+ people with several layers of verification, 24/7 profile moderation, around-the-clock live support, and PIN/Fingerprint/Face recognition.TAIMI is an app that includes video calls, stories, digest, FAQ on LGBTQI+ and groups. The app’s users can also upload private albums that will only be seen by those they grant permission to. TAIMI also recently added Spotify Integration and TAIMI Spot which allow users to change their location during their travel.
By TAIMI on February 12, 2020.Canonical linkExported from Medium on July 7, 2020.