This Valentine’s Day TAIMI decided to find out whether our users really care about celebrating love on February 14th. To be frank, the results did not surprise our team, although there were a few unexpected responses.You can Download TAIMI HERE to be a part of a vibrant community that cares!We asked our English-speaking users about the idea of Valentine’s Day, whether it should be cancelled or celebrated all year long, and here is what they had to say!Turns out most TAIMI users regardless of whether they identify as male or female really care about keeping things romantic in daily life.Nearly 80% of those identifying as male and 73% of users who identify as female said that romance on a day-to-day basis is really important to them.Almost 10% of female-identifying responders said they don’t care about romance and 12.3% said that it doesn’t matter at all.13.6% of users that identify as male agree, however 6.9% couldn’t care less about being romantic.

When asked whether they celebrate Valentine’s Day every year 53.1% of female identifying users said yes whereas only 41.9% of male identifying users did the same.A whopping 58.1% of male identifying users don’t care for the holiday and do not celebrate it at all. 21% of TAIMI users that identify as female said they do not celebrate V-Day, and 25.9% don’t care for it at all.Majority of TAIMI users that identify as female, that is 64% believe Valentine’s Day should NOT be cancelled. 59.1% of male identifying users think the same.Yet 15.6 % of TAIMI users identifying as male think the love fest should be scrapped. 10.7% of those who identify as female absolutely agree.A fun fact for all of us to note, nearly 43% of female identifying TAIMI users and 34.6% of male identifying users treat Everyday like it’s Valentine’s Day.

This we can all stand behind! Here are a few tips to do the same!Download TAIMI HERE to find the person for you!Don’t forget to follow TAIMI on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.ABOUT TAIMI:TAIMI has several layers of verification, 24/7 profile moderation, live support, and PIN/Fingerprint/Face recognition. TAIMI has zero-tolerance for judgment, discrimination or aggression.TAIMI is free and available to download in the App Store and Google Play. A subscription-based premium version is also available.
By TAIMI on February 21, 2020.Canonical linkExported from Medium on July 7, 2020.