Disadvantages of Intimacy Everyday: Do They Outweigh The Advantages?

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Alan Schin
Updated on February 21, 2025 | 9 min read
Disadvantages of Intimacy Everyday: Do They Outweigh The Advantages?

If you want to enjoy healthy intimacy, you should listen to your body and take into consideration what experts say. If you believe that you have too much intimacy, you should adjust the level of your activity to improve your wellbeing.

Norms of Intimate Activity

There is no such thing as “too much intimacy”. There are no scientifically defined norms of “optimal intimacy frequency”. Every person is different: some people have a high libido and are happy to be intimate every day, while others have a low libido and prefer to be intimate once a week.

Basically, if both you and your partners are happy with your intimate life, you have nothing to worry about. But if you have recently noticed any changes in your physical or mental wellbeing, you should analyze this issue further.

5 Disadvantages of Being Intimate Daily

Most people who are intimate every day don’t experience any related issues. However, some individuals may encounter one of the following problems due to their specific health conditions or lifestyle.

Boredom in the Bedroom

Some married couples are intimate every night before bed. And it seems to be a good thing, right? But here is a problem. When regular intimacy becomes a part of the daily routine, partners tend to lose interest in each other. They fall into a rut, and do the same things, all with the same ending.

If you want to keep the spark in your relationship, make sure that daily intimacy doesn’t make things boring! Be intimate when both of you are feeling it. This should be fun, not checking off some obligatory box.

Here is a tweet that supports the idea that routine is boring.

Flirt with your partner throughout the day. Tease one another, and just enjoy showing how much affection you feel. This will create a scenario in which intimacy is natural and fun!

As long as daily intimacy brings you real pleasure and feels exciting, you can be sure that you are moving in the right direction. If your dating life is spicy enough, you have nothing to worry about.

Possible Health Issues (If You Have One Partner)

For most people, regular intimacy doesn’t cause any unpleasant symptoms. But for some individuals, this may lead to negative consequences. For instance, you might feel physically exhausted or sore.

The thing is that when we have frequent intimacy, our bodies get tired. Take precautions to ensure physical effects of too much intimacy don’t bring you down.

Interesting fact: If you experience tiredness or feel sore very often, the cause may not be intimacy. This could be a good time to check in with your doctor

Possible Health Issues (If You Have Multiple Dating Partners)

If you share your bed with only one dating partner, you are unlikely to experience any side effects of frequent intimacy. But if you change partners every day, like if you have 30 different partners in a month, you may face severe health issues.

Firstly, you should understand that you are at a high risk of getting an STI. The more partners you have, the more likely you will get infected with HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea.

Tip: Take care of your sexual health. Use a latex, barrier method, prophylactic every time you are intimate with a new partner and get tested for STIs and urinary tract infections on a regular basis.

Be aware that certain intimate activities can cause changes in the body’s natural flora. This can lead to issues. Practice good hygiene. Get plenty of rest. Also, you may experience muscle pain and back issues. Stretch beforehand.

Mismanaged Expectations

When you are intimate daily, you may begin to expect this as the norm. If you don’t, your partner might. But, that’s just not how things work. At any given time, one or both of you might decide that maintaining this kind of schedule just doesn’t work for you. 

That can be a shock to the system, and quite disappointing for a person who has come to crave daily intimacy. Yes, you can get used to it, and nobody should feel pressured to be intimate. Still, it can feel like rejection. One of you may experience a bit of withdrawal. It’s good to talk to a professional if you are genuinely bothered by this.

Losing Interest in Intimacy

Long story short, being intimate requires a lot of time and energy. If you spend too much time on this, you might reach a state of burnout. Worse, you could simply become bored with it.

5 Advantages of Daily Intimacy

Scientists have been researching the topic of intimacy frequency for decades, so there are many peer-reviewed studies that prove that satisfying intimacy is beneficial for health. Let’s take a look at the key advantages of being intimate daily.

Improved Cardiovascular Health

People who are intimate on a regular basis often have good cardiovascular health and are less likely to have a heart attack. Michael Joseph Blaha, director of clinical research at the Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease, explains it this way:

“Intimacy is a form of exercise and helps strengthen your heart, lower blood pressure, reduce stress and improve sleep. In addition, intimacy in a relationship can increase bonding. Strong social connections can lower feelings of loneliness, depression and anxiety, which have been linked to higher cardiovascular risk.”

In recent years, many researchers and medical associations have tried to answer the question, “Is intimacy good for health?” So here is another national study on partnered intimacy. Scientists examined cardiovascular risk among seniors of both genders and revealed such results:

  • High intimacy frequency is associated with later risk of cardiovascular events in men
  • High intimacy quality protects women from cardiovascular risk in later life.

Being intimate every day is as beneficial as practicing yoga or working out at the gym. When you exercise daily, you help your heart stay strong through the years.

Better Health

If you want to keep your body’s systems, you should consider intimacy and its benefits. Intimacy increases blood flow while also normalizing hormone levels and improving your body’s functioning. So the more intimacy you enjoy with your partner, the healthier you become.

Normalized Glucose Levels

Intimacy is an aerobic exercise, and just like other physical exercises, it might make your sugars decrease. So if you want to prevent glucose metabolism issues, you should keep taking part in intimate activities daily.

Good Mood

Have you noticed that people who have more intimacy tend to be in a better mood than those who don’t get enough Intimacy? This activity is a mood booster, and it’s a scientific fact. When you touch and kiss your partner, your body releases norepinephrine and other feel-good hormones: endorphins, oxytocin, and dopamine.

Good intimacy is not just about short-term positive effects. The more intimacy you have now, the more benefits you will get in the long run. A recent cross-sectional study revealed that lack of intimate activity is associated with a significantly higher risk of developing anxiety and depression. So if you are intimate every day, you greatly contribute to your psychological well being.

Relational Benefits

Do you wonder whether your relationship will thrive in the long run? Well, if you have intimate time daily and fully satisfy each other’s needs, you will be happy together for many coming years.

When both you and your partner are on the same page and have intimate time daily, you can stop being paranoid about cheating. You can trust your partner entirely and simply enjoy being loved, cared for, and desired.

Enjoy Intimacy as Often as You Like

Now you know that there is no such thing as “too much intimacy”. Intimacy frequency is not important as long as you live your best life. So don’t focus on quantity, focus on its quality. Make sure that you enjoy every touch of your partner and feel 100% comfortable both physically and mentally.

Some life circumstances (high workload or recently undergone surgery) may temporarily lower your libido and make the experience less pleasurable. If it happens, don’t get anxious – it’s not a big problem. You just need time to get your energy back. Once you get your daily life back on track, you will enjoy being intimate every day again.

Does Your Partner Believe that You Are Having Too Much Intimacy?

Unfortunately, not all partners share the same levels of intimate desire. So if your lover doesn’t share your desires, interests, and kinks, you may find it challenging to build healthy relationships. Here you have two options:

  • You can try to find a compromise – agree on when and how you will be intimate to satisfy your needs.
  • Or you can break up.

Breakup is a radical step, but there are no other options. If you have a high libido, you will never be happy with someone who wants to be intimate once a month. Sooner or later, you will start cheating on your partner, and that will get things worse.

Well, intimacy is not the most important thing in the world. But it’s an essential part of your life. So if you want to stay happy and healthy, you should decide how much intimacy is enough for you.

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Alan Schin

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